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Juicebox v1.5.1 Released!
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It certainly seems to have something to do with the folder name itself as if I use a baseUrl folder name of 'advertisements', the gallery fails, whereas if I change the name of the folder to 'advertizements' (for example), the gallery works OK.
Workarounds would be to either use a folder name which is not related to ads or to write an exception rule for AdBlock to allow your chosen folder name.
Try opening the 'wp-juicebox/config.php' file in a plain text editor and change line 56 from:
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, 'full');
... to:
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, 'large');
(The line number refers to WP-Juicebox v1.2.0.)
No. If it works, that's great.
For more information on the 'viewport' <meta> tag, please see this web page.
Using your settings (950x650 at 99% quality), the resulting images have approximately 4 x the file size of those generated using the default values (1024 x 768 at 80% quality).
It may still be a memory issue. Your computer may have 16GB RAM but it may not all be allocated or usable by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro. According to a post in this forum thread:
As of Windows 7, and AIR 3.3 Adobe AIR apps are limited to around 1GB memory allocation.
Try reducing the quality a little to see if this makes a difference. Reducing the quality from 99% to 90% could potentially reduce the file size of your images by half (or even more) with little visible difference, retaining enough quality for use in a web gallery.
You may be running into memory issues with so many images in your JuiceboxBuilder-Pro gallery.
However, I have just successfully created a test Juicebox-Pro gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro using over 1,600 images on a PC with 2GB of RAM. All images were added at once and JuiceboxBuilder-Pro has no problem opening the gallery (though it takes a little while to open) after having been saved. For reference, the images in my test gallery were resized using the default values of 1024 x 768 at 80% quality and have an average file size of 120KB each.
Make sure that the imagePreloading configuration option is not set to 'ALL' as the browser will try to preload all the images in the gallery as soon as the gallery is loaded.
Also, you might also like to consider splitting your gallery into multiple smaller galleries and linking them together using the Embedding Multiple Galleries guide here.
When I embed JB the same page it loads only showing a small section of the page (zoomed in) and I cant pinch and zoom.
Try adding the following code to the <head> section of your WordPress theme:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
Otherwise, you may like to try a mobile-friendly WordPress theme such as Twenty Twelve which may help.
and I cant pinch and zoom.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to pinch-zoom within a Juicebox gallery as the pinch-zoom gesture can interfere with the gallery controls (such as the swipe gesture to change the main image or the tap gesture for the navigation controls).
Whenever I put a gallery into an iframe I lose the expand button. Is that by design?
This is a known side-effect of embedding a Juicebox gallery into an iframe. Please see the Using an iframe section of the Embedding Guide.
If possible, embed your Juicebox gallery using the baseUrl method and your gallery will not lose any functionality.
It is like that your 'onload' function is being called before the gallery APIs are available.
Instead, call the showGallery() methods within the corresponding gallery onInitComplete events as follows:
Gallery1.onInitComplete = function() {
Gallery2.onInitComplete = function() {
Gallery3.onInitComplete = function() {
Gallery4.onInitComplete = function() {
I found the following definitions on this SlideShowPro forum web page.
w = Slideshow Image Width
h = Slideshow Image Height
s = Slideshow Image Sharpening
q = Slideshow Image Quality
tlw = Thumbnail Link width
tlh = Thumbnail Link height
tlq = Thumbnail Link Quality
tls = Thumbnail Link Sharpening
tw = Hover Thumbnail Preview width
th = Hover Thumbnail Preview height
The full SlideshowPro Director API can be found here.
Using an <iframe>, you would be able to have a single HTML page containing your menu bar and you could target the <iframe> with different galleries without the user leaving the main page.
The Embedding Multiple Galleries example duplicates a template page for each gallery (so that an <iframe> is not used) and each gallery has its own page (complete with header and footer).
Try viewing the source of the … index.html page in your browser. You can replace the sample header with your own menu bar and duplicate the page for as many galleries as you have.
So what's the difference between OnInitComplete and OnImageChange then?
onInitComplete() fires only once when Juicebox has completed initialization and The API is available.
onImageChange() fires each and every time a new image is displayed (when the first image is displayed on loading the gallery, when the user changes the image manually and when the image is changed via AutoPlay).
For a full description of all Juicebox API methods and events, please see the Juicebox - API Support page.
I think the root of the problem is that you would need an API event to be fired just after an image has been displayed rather than just before (when the onImageChange() event is fired) in order to replace an image with text. Unfortunately, such an event does not exist.
Perhaps you could simply display the text on your page and ask the user to click on a link to display the gallery, replacing the text block with the gallery using JavaScript.
You can add configuration options in your gallery's embedding code by following the instructions here.
Alternatively, you can add configuration options in the 'config.php' file (from this post above) by adding lines of code such as the following immediately after the $r = $dom->createElement( "juiceboxgallery" ); line:
$r->setAttribute('imageScaleMode', 'FILL');
I understand that the wordpress plugin does not yet work with picasa.
With WP-Juicebox (the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress), it is possible to use a Picasa Web Album as the source of images.
In the gallery settings window, select 'Picasa Web Album' as the 'Image Source' and type in your 'Picasa User Id' and 'Picasa Album Name'.
An alternative method of embedding a Juicebox gallery in a WordPress page or post (no matter what the source of images is) would be to:
Create your Juicebox gallery on your computer with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.
Upload the entire gallery folder to your web server using an FTP program such as Filezilla.
Embed the gallery in your WordPress page or post using the baseUrl embedding method documented here.
Perhaps your web server has an issue with 777 permissions on folders.
You can disable the folder permission check within WP-Juicebox by deleting lines 1010-1019 in the 'wp-juicbeox.php' file.
This should enable the plugin to continue without displaying the error message.
(The line numbers above refer to WP-Juicebox v1.2.0.)
The original poster may be working on their site.
The original problem (of a blank line before the XML declaration in the gallery's XML file) still seems to exist but perhaps the original poster is aware of this and now knows how to fix it.
The link you provided is the same process that I have already tried and, unfortunately, while it works OK on desktop browsers, it does not work in Mobile Safari.
I'm not sure that this is a bug as such but rather a side-effect of creating a new image in Adobe AIR.
It may be necessary to extract all metadata, create a new resized image and then import the metadata into the new image.
I will contact the developers with this suggestion but I do not know easy it would be to implement.
In the meantime, the workaround would be to resize and watermark your images in an image manipulation program such as Adobe Photoshop before feeding them to JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and ensure that the 'Resize Images' checkbox is deselected.
Is this a known issue with Juicebox?
Viewing your gallery's XML file directly in a browser results in the following error:
XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
Line Number 2, Column 1:<?xml version="1.0"?>
WP-Juicebox creates the XML file (dynamically) using DOM techniques and the XML declaration should be at the very top of the document. (There should not be a blank line before it.)
I notice that on your main page (, there is also a blank line before the Doctype Declaration (which should also be at the top of the document).
It looks like your web host may be inserting blank lines into the documents when they are hosted on your web server which is breaking the gallery.
Check with your web host to see if the blank lines at the top of your documents are being introduced by them and, if so, how they can be removed.
The problem does not seem to be the container name. The mousewheel functionality works OK in fullscreen mode when using the HTML tag 'body' (using JavaScript alerts instead of Juicebox API calls).
The problem seems to be that it is not possible to call Juicebox API Methods in fullscreen mode (although Juicebox API Events are fired in fullscreen mode).
I do not know if it is possible to implement this in a future version of Juicebox-Pro but I will notify the developers of this issue.
But now I am experiencing a baseurl error
If using an absolute URL for your baseUrl, make sure that it matches the URL you use to view your web site.
For example, if your baseUrl is but you view your web site using (a subdomain of, the gallery will fail due to the JavaScript same-origin policy security restriction. Please see here for details.
If this is the case, try using a relative baseUrl instead.
But now I am experiencing a baseurl error because of something in my ajax script.
If using an absolute URL for your baseUrl, make sure that it matches the URL you use to view your web site.
For example, if your baseUrl is but you view your web site using (a subdomain of, the gallery will fail due to the JavaScript same-origin policy security restriction. Please see here for details.
If this is the case, try using a relative baseUrl instead.
If you choose not to 'Resize Images' but choose to use a 'Watermark', any IPTC and EXIF data will not be retained in the watermarked images output to the gallery's 'images' folder.
The only way to retain any IPTC and EXIF data is to ensure that JuiceboxBuilder does not manipulate and re-save your images by not resizing the images and not adding a watermark.
No. It is not possible to disable touch gestures when a Juicebox gallery is displayed on a mobile device.
Without the touch gestures, users would not be able to navigate through a gallery on a mobile device.
I can correct this by setting an image padding with the same dimension or larger of the image shadow blur.
As far as I am aware, this is intentional. The imagePadding set by the user is respected, irrespective of the amount of imageShadowBlur used, and should be increased to accommodate the image shadow if required.
Another odd thing is the thumbnail padding, the thumbs shadow blur is cut off by a thumbpadding smaller than the Thumb Shadow Blur.
This seems to be similar to the main image scenario whereby the thumbPadding must be a large enough value to accommodate the thumbShadowBlur used.
This is different by the main image, the shadow is still visible with an image padding smaller than the image shadow blur.
The image shadow is still visible if the imagePadding is less than the imageShadowBlur but, like the thumbnails, it is cut off if the imagePadding is not of a sufficiently high value. The image shadow cut-off (in a gallery where the imagePadding is less than the imageShadowBlur) can usually be seen by introducing stagePadding into the mix.
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