Thanks Steven, but I've already tried all the things in that thread.  Harumph!

I've un-installed and re-installed both Air and Juicebox, tried the beta of Air, messed with permissions, re-started, pretty much anything I can think of, but still now go!

But, I am able to manually edit my existing files to do what I want, so I'm okay for now.

It seems like it just isn't getting fully installed.

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll give them a try.

Editing the config file seems like an option, especially since I have existing slideshows house as templates.

My Lightroom plugin does work. Is there any way to create slideshows with Flickr albums in Lightroom?

Hmm...I tried all those steps to no avail.

Removed and reinstalled Air as well.

Thanks. Yes, I've tried the steps you outlined, but not the ones in the other thread.

BTW, I installed the latest "lite" version, and it doesn't work either.

I'll now try the steps in the other thread.

I've just replaced the hard drive on my iMac running Yosemite. I trashed the current install, deleted the "JuiceboxBuilder-Pro" folder in the ...Air/ELS/ locale, downloaded a fresh install and re-installed Juicebox, but I can't get past the first screen on JukeboxBuilder Pro. The right hand corner suggests I "Upgrade to Jukebox-Pro!", and clicking on New Gallery or Open Gallery give no result.

Any ideas?

Thanks for that.

I'm extremely pleased with the "view on flickr" feature, but I'd like to add a few instructions so that my visitors know they can download images from flickr… I'm operating a children's theatre company and sponsors often want hi-res images to promote our shows. Rollover text might be one way, or even just editing the "view on flickr" text.

Any tips on how to do this?


Nice! Thanks a great deal.

Thanks for the reply. Sadly, my site is down right now, so I can't try your suggestions. When my ISP gets things going again, I'll get back to you.

I enquired about this earlier, but the post seems to be gone. Perhaps I failed to submit:

This gallery works:

but when place in a spry panel on this page, it appears very small:

What am I doing wrong?

I'm having a little trouble with this test page:

In Google Chrome (Mac) it looks fine, in Safari 6.0.5 it's okay, but displays some unwanted grey "shadows" on the edges of some images, although I've turned off any edges I can find and set opacities to 0.

In Firefox 22 (Mac), it displays the thumbnails, although I've deselected them in the builder and set the rows and columns to zero for good measure.

It seems okay on my android phone.

Any clues where I'm going wrong?

Thanks for those tips, Steven. I'll have a look at that.

And thanks for the info on the iPod. Good to know.

Thanks, but I already have it set to 9999.  Hmmmm....

I've got a slideshow on my home page, right below my top nav menus, which drop down:

On a desktop device everything is fine.

But on my Android phone, if the drop down menu overlays the slideshow any attempt to select a menu item makes the image "highlight", and the navigation fails.

I've turned image click mode to "none" so that one doesn't get to the full screen slide show when attempting to navigate, still I can't navigate.

It's not that the menu isn't visible; it is - one simply can't tap it to navigate. It might be that the nav button is too small, and any attempt to tap it taps the underlying slide show as well.

Any way around this?

Okay; I got it! Just missed putting "baseUrl : 'homeshow/' in the code! Dough!

I'm just staring out with Juicebox and I'm stuck right away.

My problem page is here:

I've already got all the images on my website in a folder called "images" so I'm bumping into problems with the Juicebook "images' folder if I try to use the same folder for my page and my slideshow.

I made a separate folder "homeshow" within the location containing "indexjuice.html" and changed the embed code to read:
<script src="homeshow/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
containerId : "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "600 px",
galleryHeight: "400 px",
backgroundColor: "rgba(252,242,204,1)"
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

Nevertheless, all I get is a spinning preloader when I open my page.

Hope this is a simple mistake to fix.