All gallery files must be located on the same domain (or subdomain) as the HTML document containing the gallery's JavaScript embedding code due to the same-origin policy.

It is not possible to have paths in your gallery's embedding code with one domain but to then try to view the gallery using a URL with a different domain.

Try using paths in your gallery's embedding code which do not hard-code a domain name. (Use a leading slash to denote the root directory of whatever domain is typed into the browser's address bar).

<script type="text/javascript" src="/architektur/pages/architecture/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
baseURL: "/architektur/pages/architecture/",


(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


After selecting multiple images on the 'Images' tab (by using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click), go to 'Images -> Delete' from the drop-down menu at the top (or press 'Ctrl+D') to delete the selection.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The quality setting will be used only if JuiceboxBuilder-Pro resizes the source images to create the images for the gallery.
This will happen only if the 'Resize Images' checkbox (on the 'Images' tab) is selected and the source images are larger than the resize dimensions. (Otherwise, the source images will simply be copied across to the gallery's 'images' folder and the quality setting will have no effect.)

I am glad you have been able to resolve your problem.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

As Shopify is not a regular web host which provides web space which you can upload files and folders (such as a Juicebox gallery) to via FTP (please see this Shopify FAQ for details), you will need to host your gallery elsewhere and embed it into your Shopify page using an iframe.
This can be done by following the Embedding in a Web Template Site instructions.

Try using the embedding code I posted above (in this post), without 'public-html' in the paths.
If this does not work, try the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    new juicebox({
        containerId : "juicebox-container",
        galleryWidth: "700",
        galleryHeight: "750",
        backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,1)",
        baseUrl: '/'
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

The 'public_html' folder on your web server is the folder that you upload files and folders to for them to be publicly accessible on the internet but the 'public_html' folder itself does not form part of any URL.
For example, if your web domain name is and you upload a file named 'main.html' to your 'public_html' folder, then it would be publicly accessible at
Try the following instead.
(You also need a comma after your backgroundColor entry and your closing }); is in the wrong place.)

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Galleries/TestGallery/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    new juicebox({
        containerId : "juicebox-container",
        galleryWidth: "700",
        galleryHeight: "750",
        backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,1)",
        baseUrl: '/Galleries/TestGallery/'
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

If you continue to experience difficulties, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and help further.

and especially the config.xml so that I can modify just that single file if I want to change the behavior of Juicebox in the future

A possible solution might be to set up a single XML file with the gallery configurations you'd like to use. Let's call it 'preset.xml'. (There would be no need to worry about any image data in this file. It would be used only for the configuration options.)
In your PHP file which generates the XML data for each gallery (pointed towards via the configUrl option), you could read the 'preset.xml' file and copy all the configuration options (the attributes to the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag).
Something along the lines of the following should work although you may need to modify it to suit your own needs.

$filename = 'preset.xml';

$values = array();

if (file_exists($filename)) {

    $dom_doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

    $settings_tags = $dom_doc->getElementsByTagName('juiceboxgallery');
    $settings_tag = $settings_tags->item(0);

    if ($settings_tag->hasAttributes()) {
        foreach ($settings_tag->attributes as $attribute) {
            $name = $attribute->nodeName;
            $value = $attribute->nodeValue;
            $values[$name] = $value;

$new_dom_doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$new_dom_doc->formatOutput = true;

$new_settings_tag = $new_dom_doc->createElement('juiceboxgallery');

foreach ($values as $key=>$value) {
        $new_settings_tag->setAttribute($key, $value);

// Create image data here


echo $new_dom_doc->saveXML();

Alternatively, if you have only one embedding code block, you could simply set your configurations in your embedding code, rather than in the XML file. Please see here for details.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

We do not have a WYSIWYG web design program but we do have Showkase, a PHP web application which allows you to create complete portfolio web sites (integrating multiple galleries) online.

Showkase has full support for Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro galleries and the galleries can be created within the application itself (or created with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and svBuilder-Pro and imported) in a web browser interface.
You can create Gallery Index pages and have as many galleries listed on each Gallery Index page as you wish.
Each gallery is represented by a thumbnail image (with the gallery title displayed below) and the gallery is opened when the user clicks on the image.

Showkase also has the ability to create non-gallery pages such as 'About', 'Contact' and 'Basic' pages where you can enter information about yourself and contact details.

Demo sites can be found here and a sample Gallery Index page can be found here.

All of this is done automatically within the Showkase interface without the need for any manual coding at all.

If you would like to take a look around the Showkase interface, you can log into the Live Demo Admin here.

Showkase can be purchased as Showkase-Standard (which comes with Juicebox-Lite and SimpleViewer-Standard, the free versions) or Showkase-Pro (which comes with Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro).
(The only difference between Showkase-Standard and Showkase-Pro is the bundled viewers.)
As you already have Juicebox-Pro, you could purchase Showkase-Standard and upgrade it to use your Juicebox-Pro files by following the instructions here.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I am trying to make the navigation arrows larger.

The size of the navigation buttons can be made larger by increasing the value of the navButtonIconSize configuration option (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section). (There is no need to change the icons.)

With regard to your problem with the '' file, I have just downloaded the file myself and it is OK.

If you would like to check the integrity of the file you have downloaded, it should have the following properties:

File size: 4,820 bytes
SHA1: 212a127fd00ac840fd1e1f7108255a8de12b5f07

You can check the file's SHA1 hash with a program such as HashCalc (free).

If the file you have downloaded does not have the properties above, then please try downloading the file using a different browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome).

If the file you have downloaded does have the properties above but you are having trouble extracting the file, then please try a different unzipping program such as 7-Zip (free).


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Make sure that your image filenames use only alpha-numeric characters (and not other characters such as apostrophes or commas).
As the image filenames form part of a URL when uploaded to a web server, it would be wise to use only web-safe characters. Please see section 2.3 of this document for details.

Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.

JuiceboxBuilder-Pro should be able to handle all images whose filenames use any or all of these characters.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

When using the WordPress Media Library as a source of images for a gallery created with WP-Juicebox, Juicebox will display all images attached to the post containing the gallery.
However, it looks like you have no Media Library images attached to the post containing your gallery.
Go into your Media Library and check that your images have been attached to the correct post.

If you find that you you have no images attached to the post (which is what your gallery's XML file currently suggests), you can either:
(1) Attach images to the post from within the Media Library itself. (Please note that WordPress allows you to attached Media Library images to only one post so if you have images that are already attached to posts and you wish to include them in a WP-Juicebox gallery, you will need to upload them again.)
... or:
(2) Edit the post containing the gallery, click the 'Add Media' button (above the editor's toolbar) and add images to the post in the pop-up window.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you for reporting this problem.
I am able to see the problem in IE10 but it does not seem to be a problem in IE11 (or in any other browsers).
I have logged a bug report with the developers and it should hopefully be fixed in the next version.

In the meantime, the workaround would be to use a different combination of captionPosition and imageTransitionType.

(Please note that there is currently a similar problem with the same symptoms as you describe which affects imageTransitionType="CROSS_FADE" in conjuction with captionPosition="BOTTOM" or "BELOW_THUMBS". This bug has already been addressed and will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox-Pro.)


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

The problem is that I can´t change the homepage for the moment. Will that disapear next time if I go that website?

There is no need to change your browser's homepage.
Just go to that web address (copy and paste it into your browser's address bar when you need to) to go to the Java download page.

I also wonder why it´s not possible to see the gallery emediatly without upload it to my website and THEN see if it is allright. It´s not so workable.

Certain browsers (IE11, Chrome and Opera) have security restrictions which prevent the loading of XML files (like the one used by Juicebox to store the configuration options and image data) locally. There is nothing that can be done to circumvent this behavior.
Please see these FAQs:
When I view my gallery locally in Google Chrome, I see the message "Juicebox does not display locally in Google Chrome". Why?
When I view my gallery locally in Opera, I see the message "Juicebox does not display locally in Opera". Why?

If you want to view your gallery on your own computer before uploading it to your website, please preview it in either Firefox or Safari.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you for trying this.
This demonstrates that the gallery itself is OK but that the problem lies with the code on your embedding pages.
Loading a gallery in an iframe will isolate the gallery from the code on your main page but as you still experience issues, it looks like the problem originates from the use of different Doctypes and/or HTML errors on your pages.

Try to standardize the Doctypes across your pages and fix any HTML errors. Hopefully this will help.

I see that all your web pages now use the HTML 5 Doctype but you should still use double-quotes around the 'src' attribute within your iframe code, ie. change:


... to:



(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If you are referring to the way that the caption area fades out with the image and then snaps back into place, then this is unavoidable with the configuration options your gallery uses.

The way that the caption area appears and disappear is dependent on two configuration options: captionPosition and imageTransitionType.

captionPosition = BELOW_IMAGE or BELOW_THUMBS or BOTTOM or OVERLAY -> old caption area fades out
captionPosition = OVERLAY_IMAGE -> old caption area disappears instantly

imageTransitionType = CROSS_FADE -> new caption area appears instantly
imageTransitionType = FADE -> new caption area fades in

If you want your caption area to fade in and out, then set captionPosition to BELOW_IMAGE or BELOW_THUMBS or BOTTOM or OVERLAY and imageTransitionType to FADE.

Otherwise, to make the caption area transitions less noticeable, try setting your captionBackColor="rgba(0,0,0,0)" (transparent) and set the caption text to a contrasting color (such as black).


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The FAQ states that Juicebox-Pro can only be installed on three computers, does this limit also apply to Juicebox Builder Pro?

Yes. A single Juicebox-Pro license allows you to install JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (the application which comes with Juicebox-Pro) on up to 3 computers.

If there is a limit, is it possible to uninstall Juicebox Builder from one machine and then install it onto another computer?

Yes. As long as you have JuiceboxBuilder-Pro installed on no more that 3 computers at any one time, this would be within the terms of the license and would not be a problem.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

As iWeb creates both your main page and the page containing the iframe, it should be possible for both these pages to use the same Doctype Declaration. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with iWeb but their own support pages should be able to help you with this.

You can correct the validation error in your iframe code by changing:

<iframe src=
style="width:1200px; height:900px; 
scrolling="yes" > 

... to:

<iframe src="" width="1200" height="900" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

(Use double-quotes around the 'src' attribute.)

With Internet Explorer 10, the gallery is not displayed.

I have viewed your gallery in IE11 and it displays (though with problems which may be due to the use of the iframe, the widget code and the differing Doctypes used).

Do you see the flashing problem when viewing the gallery on its own web page?
If so, what browser(s) so you see this flashing problem in?


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

No problem.

A quick tip...
The next time you update your Java installation, download it manually from the Java developer's website (choose JRE - Java Runtime Environment) rather than from The downloads from this area are not bundled with any additional third-party software.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I do not know where your ASK Toolbar came from but it did not come from the Juicebox-Lite download zip package from the link on our own download page.

If you would like to check the integrity of the file you downloaded, the Juicebox-Lite v1.3.3 file should have the following properies:

Filesize: 1,721,498 bytes
SHA1: 4cfdd4d1d525f6982f5c20b1e40210788eda17ff

You can check the SHA1 hash of your file using a program such as HashCalc.

If your file does not match the information above, try downloading it using a different browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera). Perhaps your browser has been hijacked and your web browsing has been compromised. Please see this web page for further details.

Please note that uninstalling and then reinstalling JuicboxBuilder-Lite will not remove the ASK Toolbar as JuicboxBuilder-Lite has nothing to do with the ASK Toolbar.
Try a web search with terms such as 'remove ask toolbar' or 'uninstall ask toolbar'. There are many web sites with instructions on how to do this.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If you would like your main images to be displayed larger in your gallery, then try one of the following suggestions:

(1) Change imageScaleMode from its default value of SCALE_DOWN to SCALE (so that your images are scaled up to fit within the image area).

(2) Make your images larger. Currently, the first image in your gallery is 640 x 427. When imageScaleMode="SCALE_DOWN" (the default setting), large images are scaled down but small images are not scaled up (as their quality would be reduced). You may need to change your WordPress image size options in the 'Dashboard -> Settings -> Media' section or upload larger images (if your original images are currently 640 x 427).


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

What browser(s) and/or device(s) do you see this flash in?

Try viewing your gallery on its own web page to see if the problem still occurs:

The problem may be related to the code on your main page and the method by which your gallery is embedded.
Your gallery is loaded into an iframe on this web page which contains HTML errors: … arkup.html
The entire iframe page is then used as a widget in your main page .

All three pages use different Doctype Declarations (the gallery page uses HTML 5, the iframe page uses HTML 4.01 Transitional and your main page uses XHTML 1.0 Transitional).
Try using the same Doctype Declaration on all pages (I would recommend using HTML 5) and fix the HTML errors on your iframe page. (You can check the code on the web page with the W3C Markup Validaion Service.)

Here are a few other things you could try:

  • Try reducing the filesize of your images to speed up the loading process. Your images are currently approximately 400KB each. For web gallery use, you could perhaps reduce the quality a little and have the filesize reduced to approximately 150KB each.

  • Try changing the imagePreloading configuration option from the default value of PAGE to NEXT (to preload only the next image in the gallery). Currently your gallery can have as many as 20 thumbnails displayed (depending on the width of the user's browser window) and the gallery can be preloading as much as 8MB of data when the gallery is initially displayed.

  • Alternatively, try reducing the value of maxThumbColumns (which will reduce the amount of data initially being preloaded if you choose to use imagePreloading="PAGE").

  • Try using a different imageTransitionType (SLIDE, FADE, CROSS_FADE, NONE).

For reference, descriptions of the imagePreloading and imageTransitionType configuration options can be found in the Main Image Options section of the Config Options page.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


The C:\Program Files (x86)\JuiceboxBuilder-Pro\template\index.html file will be overwritten when installing a new version of JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.

There may be changes to the 'index.html' template file between versions so I would recommend adding your Google Analytics code to each new version (it should take just a couple of minutes to copy and paste the code) rather than to save the old 'index.html' file.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Juicebox-Lite should be downloaded from our own web site using the download link on this web page:
This will ensure that your copy of Juicebox-Lite is up-to-date and clean.

We do not bundle (and have never bundled) the ASK Toolbar or any other third-party software with Juicebox-Lite.

The ASK toolbar may have come from a different program (did you install any other software on the day that you installed JuiceboxBuilder-Lite?) or you may have downloaded Juicebox-Lite from a different source.
Where did you download Juicebox-Lite from?

(Incidentally, the ASK Toolbar should have an uninstall entry in the 'Control Panel -> Uninstall a program' section.)


(9 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

All the sharing icons and other icons appear overlapped.

This is a known problem which has already been addressed and will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox.

Forcing Large Screen Mode for all browsers and devices is, indeed, a compromise (which is why Juicebox usually defaults to using Small Screen Mode on small screen mobile devices).
Unfortunately, Juicebox has not been designed to do what you want it to do (show the Back Button on the Small Screen Mode thumbnail pages).

If you link directly to your gallery (as you currently do), the user can always use the browser's own back button to return to the original web page.
However, if you were to embed your gallery directly in your web page (rather than just use a link to the gallery's index page), a Splash Page would be displayed (in Small Screen Mode) and when the Splash Page is clicked or tapped, the gallery would open in a new page (like a link). However, the difference in this scenario is that there would be a 'Close Gallery' button on both the thumbnail pages and the main image pages which would take the user back to the original web page.

Maybe could be interesting to link the gallery title back home

Ordinarily, you would be able to make a Gallery Title into a link by using HTML formatting as described in this FAQ:
How do I add HTML formatting to the Gallery Title or Back Button?
However, there is currently a bug whereby a Gallery Title is not clickable in a Small Screen Mode thumbnail page.
I have logged a bug report with the developers and this should hopefully be fixed in the next version.

With Showkase is the same?

Juicebox galleries function exactly the same whether they are embedded in Showkase pages or any other web pages.
However, Juicebox galleries are embedded into Showkase pages (rather than just linked to), so when a gallery is opened from a Splash Page, there will always be a 'Close Gallery' button visible (on both the thumbnail pages and the main image pages) to take the user back to the original web page.