
(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Please see the answer to Question #3 in this forum thread.
Essentially, you could either:
(1) Set up a Juicebox gallery sourced by images in a Flickr account. You could then upload new image to your Flickr account and they would automatically be included in your gallery without the need to modify any gallery files.
... or:
(2) Use a server-side scripting language (such as PHP) to read the contents of a directory and dynamically generate a gallery's XML file on-the-fly when the gallery is displayed. You could then just upload new images to the designated directory as and when required.

The previous version of the site was on WordPress using the same Juicebox gallery - I've just updated the template to use Foundation 5 to improve the site on mobiles. Scrolling wasn't a problem before.

It sounds like the problem is likely to be a JavaScript conflict between Juicebox and Foundation 5 (or a bug in the Windows Phone browser).

WordPress has its own wp_is_mobile() function so if you wanted to prevent the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file from being loaded on your pages, then you could open the 'wp-juicebox/wp-juicebox.php' file in a plain text editor and wrap line 28 in the wp_is_mobile() function (allowing add_action() to be run only if wp_is_mobile() returns false):

if (!wp_is_mobile()) {
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, 'add_scripts_wp'));

If you have a more specific function which checks for a Windows Phone, then you could use this instead of wp_is_mobile().

With regard to the Juicebox shortcode which is already in the post, you would want WordPress to replace it with nothing (an empty string). Ordinarily, if you just disabled the add_shortcode() function on line 41 of the 'wp-juicebox.php' file (using the same method as above), then WordPress would simply display the Juicebox shortcode as plain text in the post.
In order to work around this, you would need to add the following to the very beginning of the shortcode_handler() function on line 219 of the 'wp-juicebox.php' file:

if (!wp_is_mobile()) {

Again, replace wp_is_mobile() with your own more specific function.


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)


I can post a link to a test gallery if it helps at all.

Yes, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and investigate further.
Also, please let me know what versions of OS X and Juicebox-Pro you are using.
Thank you.

The issue above affects only galleries loaded into iframes and there is no known issue with flickering in Chrome (or Safari) when galleries are embedded directly into a web page.

Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your gallery to see if this helps.

Also, make sure that you do not have imagePreloading set to NONE. If the next image in the gallery is not preloaded, then it is possible that the transition may not be as smooth as it could be otherwise.

Do you see the problem in this demo gallery which uses the CROSS_FADE imageTransitionType?

What you are currently doing is possibly the best solution.
If you want to dynamically change a configuration option, then it is certainly much easier to do so by setting the option in the embedding code (via a JavaScript variable) rather than try to set it in the gallery's XML file.
Also, it is not possible to change the value of a configuration option once the gallery has been loaded so the only option would be to reload the gallery with the new value (as you are doing).

The link to WP-Juicebox (from the plugin's support web page) has now been fixed and points towards the current version (v1.3.3.1) so you could try upgrading WP-Juicebox to see if it helps.
Although there have been many changes between v1.3.3.0 and v1.3.3.1 (please see the version history for details) I do not think that there have been any code changes that will make a difference to the problem that you reported but it is certainly worth a try.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

As far as I am aware, there are currently no plans to change the Shopping Cart provider.

However, in a future version of Juicebox, we plan to allow users to associate a unique purchase URL to each individual image in the gallery.
If the main image being displayed has a purchase URL associated with it, then the Shopping Cart button will be displayed on the Button Bar and the user will be taken to the purchase URL when it is clicked.

This will not be a direct alternative to Fotomoto but it will certainly allow users more flexibility.

In the meantime, you could perhaps set up links to individual purchase pages (to whatever shopping cart solution you wish to use) from within your image titles or captions.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

When I view your gallery in Chrome (and Firefox), your gallery is not truncated, although it is necessary to scroll down to see the bottom of the gallery.
If you want to display your web page's header and have the gallery take up the remainder of the page (without the need for any scroll bars), then please see the View Resizable Gallery with Top Menu Example in the Embedding Multiple Galleries support section.
You can view the source of the sample web page in your browser and adapt it to suit your own needs (replacing the content of the 'header' <div> with your own header and swapping the sample gallery for your own).

You also have some CSS on your web page which is currently conflicting with the gallery.
However, this seems to be due to HTML errors on your page. (There is an <img> tag without a closing > on line 65 which seems to be resulting in your Juicebox gallery being included in your 'logo' <div> and inheriting some CSS rules intended for only the 'logo' <div>.)
You can check the code on your web page with the W3C Markup Validation Service and fix the errors reported.
This should hopefully fix the layout issues.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You could try reducing the file size of your main images a little more.
The average file size of the first six images in your first gallery is 336KB.

If you were to create a gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (for example) using all default settings, the resulting images would be 1024 x 768 and approximately 120KB each. This file size is still well-suited for web gallery use (for most scenarios) and is nearly 3 times smaller than your images at present.

This will not reduce the loading time of the first image by a third (the browser still has to load the 'juicebox.js' file and the many other external CSS and JavaScript files on your WordPress pages) but it should help.

The problem is that you are loading your Juicebox gallery into a hidden container.
You can workaround this by loading your gallery on demand when the link is clicked rather than immediately when the page is loaded.
Put your gallery's embedding code into a JavaScript function such as:

    function loadGallery() {
        new juicebox({
            containerId: "lebox",
            baseUrl: "http://www.stromqvi.st/wp-content/themes/MasterKenobi/jb_test/",
            galleryWidth: "620",
            galleryHeight: "440",
            backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,1)"

... and run the function once the gallery's container is visible.
This should solve your problem.

I do not know why WP-Juicebox v1.3.3.1 is not currently available and why the download link leads to v1.3.3.0.
As far as I am aware, there are no issues with v1.3.3.1 which would have resulted in it being withdrawn for download.
I will look into this further.

However, there is no reason that I know of why a Juicebox gallery created and embedded in a WordPress page by WP-Juicebox v1.3.3.0 should prevent a page from scrolling.
When WordPress generates a page and comes across a Juicebox shortcode, it simply replaces the shortcode with the gallery's embedding code. In this respect, a Juicebox gallery in a WordPress page is no different to a Juicebox gallery in any other web page. (The only Juicebox-related code on the page is the <script> tag to load the 'juicebox.js' file and the embedding code itself.)

ETA: the scrolling issue is on all pages, not just where there is a gallery.

On a page without a Juicebox gallery, the only Juicebox-related code is the <script> tag to load the 'juicebox.js' file so it looks like there may be a JavaScript conflict of some kind.

Have you tried scrolling a web page with a Juicebox gallery (without WordPress or Foundation 5) on you Windows Phone?
Try loading these demo galleries, each of which have at least one Juicebox gallery embedded in a page which should be long enough for scrolling to be necessary to reach the bottom.
http://www.juicebox.net/demos/support/m … _one_page/

This should at least tell us if WordPress and/or Foundation 5 are contributing factors or if the problem is simply with Juicebox and your Windows Phone.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

If Juicebox's imageScaleMode configuration option is set to SCALE (or SCALE_DOWN), then the image's aspect ratio should be respected. If it is not, then there may be an outside factor causing this problem.
Perhaps there is some global CSS on your web page which is affecting all images on your page, including those in your Juicebox gallery. Check your web page's CSS to see if you can find any global CSS rules which might be causing a problem. (Look out for use of the global selector * or rules than apply to all div, img or p tags.)
Also, fire up your browser's developer tools and see if you can find out if there are any CSS rules being applied to the images in your gallery which are not originating from Juicebox itself.
If you would like me to see if I can determine the cause of the problem, then please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look.

Please check your email. I have sent you a message.
Thank you.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

It is not possible to create a new custom button with its own functionality.
However, you could perhaps take advantage of the way that the 'Open Image' button works and re-appropriate it for your own requirements.

Try the following:

  • Set every image's linkURL to javascript: custom_function();.

  • Set every image's linkTarget to '_self'.

  • Set showOpenButton="TRUE" in your gallery's XML file.

  • Change the icon for the 'Open Image' button using the technique in the Using Custom Icons support section.

  • Change the toolip text for the 'Open Image' button using the languageList configuration option (so as not to confuse users).

When the 'Open Image' button is clicked, the custom_function() JavaScript function (which should be included in the HTML page which contains the gallery's embedding code) will be run.

(Please note that this will not work if using a baseUrl.)

Otherwise, you could create your own HTML button outside your gallery and have it interact with the gallery (if necessary) using the Juicebox-Pro API. (The Juicebox-Pro API requires Juicebox-Pro and is not available to Juicebox-Lite, the free version).

If you had remembered that you had custom presets, you could have backed them up and reinstated them.
I would recommend saving your own preset files in a location other than the application's own folder (or at least keeping a copy of them elsewhere).
I realise that this is too late for this time around but it may prevent you from losing your presets again.

However, I am glad that JuiceboxBuilder-Pro is working again for you.
Thank you for letting me know.

I do not know what may have caused this to happen (and, therefore, cannot suggest anything to prevent it happening again) but I have notified the developers and they will investigate further and hopefully find the root of the problem so that it can be fixed in a future version of Juicebox.

It sounds like the widget might require a lot of work.
It is certainly food for thought but I think it is unlikely that such a widget will be crafted in the near future.

You could perhaps achieve the same effect as the widget would have by trying the following (but it would also require a lot of work if you wanted to do it for many galleries).
You can already link to a specific image in a gallery by setting enableDirectLinks="TRUE" in the gallery's Pro Options text area and using a link with a # such as http://www.example.com/wordpress/?p=123#12 (where #12 specifies the 12th image in the gallery).
You could then (using an existing widget that allows you to enter custom HTML code) create an image link using a URL such as the one above.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Juicebox is essentially a collection of web pages (HTML, JavaScript and CSS) and Juicebox galleries must be viewed in a browser.
You would need to use AirPlay Mirroring in order to share a Juicebox gallery from your device's browser on an HDTV.

The problem may still be due to CSS so check your theme's CSS pages to see if you can find any global CSS rules which might be causing a problem. (Look out for use of the global selector * or rules than apply to all div, img or p tags.)
Also, fire up your browser's developer tools and see if you can find out if there are any CSS rules being applied to the images in your gallery which are not originating from Juicebox itself.
If you would like me to see if I can determine the cause of the problem, then please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look.

It looks like your WordPress theme might be using some global CSS rules that apply to all images on your web page (including those in your Juicebox gallery). Juicebox has no option but to inherit such rules.
Try temporarily reverting to the default WordPress theme to see if this makes a difference.
If you post the URL to your gallery, I can take a look and see if I can determine the cause of the problem.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It sounds like you may be setting Pro Options but using Juicebox-Lite (where Pro Options will be ignored).
Check that the options in your gallery's XML file are as you expect and make sure that your gallery uses Juicebox-Pro and not Juicebox-Lite. (If the Juicebox badge/link is displayed at the bottom-right corner of your gallery, then it is Juicebox-Lite.)

If this does not help, then please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and help further.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

With Juicebox-Lite, the captionPosition is always set to OVERLAY and you will notice that the caption area is always immediately above the thumbnails (at the bottom of the overlay).
What you are noticing is the scaling of the image within the gallery's image area.
Depending on the size and shape of the gallery (which in your case is dependent on the user's browser window), the main image may or may not be scaled so that the bottom of the main image is close to the bottom of the image area.
For example, a landscape image in a portrait-shaped gallery will have space at its top and bottom (resulting in the caption area not overlapping the image).

Make sure that your images are larger than the size at which they will are likely to be displayed in your gallery.
This will ensure that there is not space surrounding all edges of the images in the gallery. (In Juicebox-Lite, large image are scaled down but small images are not scaled up.)

There are certain other things you could do but they would all require Juicebox-Pro.
(1) Set imageScaleMode="FILL" to ensure that the image always fills the image area. (Please note that images will be cropped if their aspect ratio does not match that of the gallery's image area.)
(2) Set captionPosition="OVERLAY_IMAGE" to ensure that the caption area is always overlaid at the bottom of the main images.
(3) Set captionPosition="BELOW_IMAGE" to ensure that the caption area is always displayed below the main images.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

imagePreloading="ALL" should start preloading all images in the gallery as soon as the gallery is loaded (which might take some time) but once the images are preloaded, they should display quickly when selected (rather than having to be loaded from scratch from the web server each time).
If you have a lot of images in your gallery and you find that the initial load time can be quite slow, then I would recommend setting imagePreloading to PAGE instead of ALL but it depends on your gallery as to what works best for you.
As long as the image has been preloaded, it should not have to be reloaded from scratch from your web server.

Unfortunately, I do not know what might have caused your JuiceboxBuilder-Pro installation to do this but please try the following. (Another user who has reported a similar scenario claims to have had success with this procedure.)

(1) Uninstall JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.
(2) Delete the following folder manually: /Users/your_username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/ELS/JuiceboxBuilder-Pro/
(3) Search the hard drive for all instances (files or folders) 'JuiceboxBuilder-Pro' and delete whatever is found.
(4) Reinstall JuiceboxBuilder-Pro but to a location other than the application folder.

I'm glad that you have resolved your problem.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.
(I was just about to post to let you know that I've viewed your gallery in Firefox, Chrome, IE and Safari and your images all cross-fade as expected.)


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

An image which is currently selected does not have its corresponding thumbnail link disabled.
If an image is requested, then the link will naturally lead to the location of the image on the web server. However, depending of the value of the imagePreloading configuration option, your browser may have the image cached.

Try the following.
Create a sample gallery with large images (large enough to have a significant and noticeable loading time, for example several MB each) and configure it so that the gallery has at least two thumbnail pages.
Set imagePreloading="PAGE".
Upload the gallery to your web server, load the gallery in a browser and go to the first image on the second thumbnail page.
You should notice that the image takes a long time to load.
Now select the next image (on the same thumbnail page) and then select the first image on the second thumbnail page again.
You should notice that the image appears instantly this time (rather than being loaded from scratch).

I hope this makes sense.

First of all, make sure that you have the latest versions of both Adobe AIR (v4.0) and JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (v1.3.3).
Adobe AIR can be downloaded from this web page.
Please see the Upgrading Juicebox support page for details on how to get the latest version of Juicebox-Pro.

Try the following:
(1) Uninstall JuiceboxBuilder-Pro
(2) Delete the following folder manually: /Users/your_username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/ELS/JuiceboxBuidler-Pro/
(3) Reinstall JuiceboxBuilder-Pro

Hopefully this will help.