Re: Feature Requests

Please add to the Configuration Options (analog to the different background colors) for different background images (patterns, combined with the css command repeat) regarding the standard embedded gallery and the expanded gallery, so that there would be following options available:

  • backgroundUrl (already existing)

  • backgroundScale (already existing, but option repeat for patterns missing)

  • expandedBackgroundUrl

  • expandedBackgroundScale, including option repeat for patterns



Re: Feature Requests

The option to scale the watermark (or select between two separate uploaded ones) for portrait and landscape images would be a nice touch. When flicking through images, the same size watermark looks (and actually is) proportionally much larger on a portrait orientated image, than same size watermark on landscape image.

Ideally, the portrait watermark would be slightly smaller (less wide primarily) so that to the eye it doesn't seem to change font size, but nevertheless looks more proportioned in comparison with the landscape images.


Re: Feature Requests

The option to auto-rename files and strip out all image info. I prefer not to change the file-names of image 'originals' as can make it a touch awkward to manage them later, but at the same time, camera based file-names never seem quite appropriate for web galleries (e.g. DSC0xxxx).


Re: Feature Requests

simes wrote:

The option to scale the watermark (or select between two separate uploaded ones) for portrait and landscape images would be a nice touch. When flicking through images, the same size watermark looks (and actually is) proportionally much larger on a portrait orientated image, than same size watermark on landscape image.

Ideally, the portrait watermark would be slightly smaller (less wide primarily) so that to the eye it doesn't seem to change font size, but nevertheless looks more proportioned in comparison with the landscape images.

Actually this is more involved than first appears, because the matter is also a function of the size of the images that the watermark is being placed on. So for instance, on the larger images, the watermark tends to look much smaller on both landscape and portrait, and so the proportion between the two isn't so prominent. But on the smallest size image, the issue is much more prominent, on on the portrait image, even a watermark that looks small on the large image size - looks oversized on small portrait, imo.


Re: Feature Requests

Please consider to add better SEO for the Wordpress plugin. I bought pro, but am a little bit disappointed by the lack of SEO support. I hope it will be added in a future update!

Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for the suggestion.

As WP-Juicebox does not currently include SEO functionality, you may be interested in this forum post.
Please note that it is not an official solution and was written for an older version of WP-Juicebox but if you are familiar with PHP and the inner workings of WordPress, you might find it useful.

Re: Feature Requests

Same problem with the 'Umlaut', it's not working in the actual version too. Any idea how to solve that?

RakijaH wrote:

I'd really like to use umlauts (äÄöÖüÜ) within my file names. It would make things much  easier. Adding an image with an umlaut in the filename doesn't work (no image is shown), so I always have to manually rename the files before adding them and change the title back to the actual one.

Re: Feature Requests


I understand your request for JuiceboxBuilder to accept images with filenames that contain special characters but the image filenames become part of URLs when they are uploaded to a web server and it would be wise to use only web-safe characters in filenames for this reason. Please see section 2.3 of this document for details.

Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.

JuiceboxBuilder currently handles all images whose filenames use any or all of these characters.

Re: Feature Requests

Thank you very much, very helpful!

Steven wrote:


I understand your request for JuiceboxBuilder to accept images with filenames that contain special characters but the image filenames become part of URLs when they are uploaded to a web server and it would be wise to use only web-safe characters in filenames for this reason. Please see section 2.3 of this document for details.

Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.

JuiceboxBuilder currently handles all images whose filenames use any or all of these characters.

Re: Feature Requests

I'd just like to see all of the options for calleries brought into the UI in the Lightroom plug-in.  All of the meta-data, links, etc.  One-stop-shop.  After editing in Lightroom, I want to just get it to the web straight from there, no tag editing, no dumping it into the app, etc.

Re: Feature Requests

No crop of thumbnail images. 

By not showing the images one may wish to navigate to the thumbnails are essentially pointless as any user will have to look at every large image to see what it actually is.  Consider design cues from every popular image browser available.


Re: Feature Requests

More control of font handling and placement/position for caption/titles/numbers etc.

The standard font positions are quite intrusive into the image area, which whilst it may suit some galleries, it doesn't suit them all.


Re: Feature Requests

Regarding the OPEN GRAPH tags, the JuiceboxBuilder-Pro generates only one og:image tag:

        <!-- START OPEN GRAPH TAGS-->
        <meta property="og:title" content="TITLE" />
        <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
        <meta property="og:url" content="" />
        <meta property="og:image" content="" />
        <meta property="og:description" content="CONTENT" />
        <!-- END OPEN GRAPH TAGS-->

It would be nice to generate an og:image tag for each image in the gallery:

        <!-- START OPEN GRAPH TAGS-->
        <meta property="og:title" content="TITLE" />
        <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
        <meta property="og:url" content="" />
        <meta property="og:image" content="" />
        <meta property="og:image" content="" />
        <meta property="og:image" content="" />
        <meta property="og:image" content="" />
        <meta property="og:description" content="CONTENT" />
        <!-- END OPEN GRAPH TAGS-->

289 (edited by gfs 2014-12-12 14:45:09)

Re: Feature Requests

Since building my new site with Juicebox at its core, I have had some comments that it is a shame viewers cannot control the speed of the slideshows.  They'd like to slow them down, which I take as a great compliment, but I also know how impatient people are these days ...

So new feature request :

Slider, or plus/minus buttons in the Button Bar for slideshow speed.

Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for your suggestion.

The following solution is not as elegant as your suggestion would be but you might like to give it a try and adapt it to suit your own needs.
You could use the Juicebox-Pro API and JavaScript to allow the user to change the displayTime (via custom HTML 'minus' and 'plus' buttons on your web page) and then reload the gallery (via a further HTML 'go' button) using the new display time (and passing the current image via firstImageIndex to that the gallery does not start at the beginning each time the gallery is reloaded with a new display time).

To see this in action, create a sample gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and use the following code as the gallery's 'index.html' file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" id="jb-viewport" content="minimal-ui" />
        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                margin: 0px;
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            // Initialize variables
            var dt = 5;
            var dtcurrent = dt;
            var jb;
            var increment = 1;
            var minimum = 1;
            var maximum = 10;
            // Function to load gallery when 'Go' button is clicked
            // First parameter is displayTime
            // Second parameter is firstImageIndex
            function loadGallery(dt, fii) {
                jb = new juicebox({
                    autoPlayOnLoad: "TRUE",
                    backgroundColor: "ffffff",
                    containerId: "juicebox-container",
                    displayTime: dt,
                    enableAutoPlay: "TRUE",
                    enableLooping: "TRUE",
                    firstImageIndex: fii,
                    galleryHeight: "400",
                    galleryWidth: "600",
                    showAutoPlayButton: "TRUE",
                    showImageOverlay: "ALWAYS"
            // Run following when Document Object Model is complete
            $(document).ready(function() {
                // Run following when 'minus' button is clicked
                $('#minus').click(function() {
                    // Reduce display time and ensure it does not go below minimum value
                    dt = Math.max(dt - increment, minimum);
                    // Display display time on screen
                // Run following when 'plus' button is clicked
                $('#plus').click(function() {
                    // Increase display time and ensure it does not go above maximum value
                    dt = Math.min(dt + increment, maximum);
                    // Display display time on screen
                // Run following when 'go' button is clicked
                $('#go').click(function() {
                    // Only reload gallery if display time has changed
                    if (dt !== dtcurrent) {
                        // Set current display time
                        dtcurrent = dt;
                        // Load gallery
                        loadGallery(dt, jb.getImageIndex());
                // Display display time on screen
                // Load gallery
                loadGallery(dt, 1);
        <div id="input">
            <span>Display Time</span><input id="minus" type="button" value="-" /><span id="display"></span><input id="plus" type="button" value="+" /><input id="go" type="button" value="Go" />
        <div id="juicebox-container"></div>

291 (edited by gfs 2014-12-13 12:24:05)

Re: Feature Requests

Thanks Steven.

As you say, it's not particularly elegant, but, it shows me that it would not be too hard for you to incorporate such a feature. :)

Thinking about it, I would suggest that as a user configurable choice, when the slideshow starts the button bar extends to show either;

a slider, or, -4+ (minus/number/plus) both of which might be self explanatory enough to work.  It might be good if selecting the duration was then applied for the remainder of the website visit, meaning other slideshows on other pages.

292 (edited by JuiceDrupal 2014-12-14 13:08:58)

Re: Feature Requests

1. Font face: The docs say "Fonts must be installed on the viewing device to be displayed.". In times of font loading from websites with @font-face, this is really weird. Please do add an option to display external fonts.

gfs wrote:

More control of font handling and placement/position for caption/titles/numbers etc. The standard font positions are quite intrusive into the image area, which whilst it may suit some galleries, it doesn't suit them all.

2.  I agree - the current placement options (of lack of) make my gallery can look ugly, for example the image "n/m" line isn't aligned with the caption or title if it's one the same line

come_paglia wrote:

Please add to the Configuration Options (analog to the different background colors) for different background images (patterns, combined with the css command repeat) regarding the standard embedded gallery and the expanded gallery, so that there would be following options available:

  • backgroundUrl (already existing)

  • backgroundScale (already existing, but option repeat for patterns missing)

  • expandedBackgroundUrl

  • expandedBackgroundScale, including option repeat for patterns

3. I'd like to endorse that, I find the current built-in background options very limiting.

For me, I'd like to have "FILL" but with control where the cropping occurs. I'd like the image put either on a side or in a corner, and have the cropping on the other side. For this, the FILL option should be amended with a "position" options specifying n/ne/e/se/s/sw/w/ne

With the current center-only fill, you have to have the background's content in the center or it'll look stupid. Example: if you have a background like a beach with the sky above, you want only the sky above cut while retaining as much of the beach as possible.

These marked parts from jucebox' computed css are was I'd like to be customized: <img class="jb-panel-background" style="position: absolute; top: -256px; left: 0px; width: 1366px; height: 768px;" src="../../../index.jpg"></img>

Re: Feature Requests

I am developing several old-photo archive galleries with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, and there's a lot of visitor interaction involved to identify subjects and/or locations. With as many as a dozen changes a day, I have a couple of suggestions

1: In the Images section, it would be very helpful to have some indication of each image's filename or title, preferably as a caption (underneath or overlaid) - or provide an Explorer-style details view of the image gallery. This would make searching for a particular image very much easier.

2: In the Publish section, it would make a lot of sense to be able to FTP the resulting changes straight to the server (with the option of which files are to be transferred). This would certainly improve workflow efficiency by a significant amount.

3: I don't use the offered embedded code as it results in a web page that takes an eternity to load when there's no JS as the whole gallery has to load (which can be >40Mbytes, and most of my visitors have limited internet speeds). Instead, I either offer a link to the non-JS page or a warning that JS is required. It struck me that it would be useful to be able to customise the embed code and save it (I'd actually love to be able to customise it to provide a thumbnail gallery with direct links to the photos).

4: I would love to be able to have non-published notes associated with each image. I've written an external program to read the XML file and keep a separate database of notes, but having that integrated with JuiceBox would be a nice-to-have.

5: Visitors are complaining bitterly that they're unable to access the full image to download as the images have no Save Image As option (there's no problem with this as far as I'm concerned). It would be lovely to have "download" as an option button.


Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for your suggestions.
Here are some notes on a couple of your points (which may be more useful to other users reading your post than to yourself).

(3) If JavaScript is not enabled in the user's browser, then what will be displayed on screen in place of the gallery is the browser's rendering of the SEO Content Code (a list of all images in the gallery). You can choose to not include the SEO Content Code by deselecting the 'Add SEO Content' checkbox in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Sharing' section.
Otherwise, you could replace the SEO Content Code with your own 'JavaScript is required.' warning message although this cannot be done on the 'Publish' tab (as you have noted) and must be done after you have pasted the embedding code into a web page.

(5) What you could maybe do is set showOpenButton="TRUE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Lite' section) to display the 'Open Image' button on the Button Bar. When the button is clicked, the image will be displayed in a new browser tab and can be downloaded via the browser's right-click 'Save Image As...' option.
It would be much easier to implement direct download functionality if all browsers supported the HTML 5 'download' attribute but this is not yet the case. Please see here for a list of browsers which currently support this feature.
If you would like to try this (though it will only work in the browsers listed in the link above), you could include a link within each image's caption using the 'download' attribute such as the following:

<caption><![CDATA[<a href="images/wide.jpeg" download="wide.jpg">Click here to download image.</a>]]></caption>

If entering the caption directly into JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (in a 'Caption' text field on the 'Images' tab), you would enter just the following:

<a href="images/wide.jpeg" download="wide.jpg">Click here to download image.</a>

JuiceboxBuilder-Pro will enclose the caption in the <caption> and CDATA tags automatically behind the scenes so there is no need to enter them into JuiceboxBuilder-Pro. (You would need to include them only if entering the caption manually by editing the 'config.xml' file in a plain text editor.)

The href="images/wide.jpeg" part is the path to the file which will be downloaded. You can use an absolute path (such as or a relative path (as in my example above). If using a relative path, it will be relative to the HTML page containing the gallery's embedding code.

The download="wide.jpeg" part is the name which will be given to the file when the user downloads it. (It does not have to be the same as the image's filename, although it should have the same file extension.)

The Click here to download image. part is the text that will be displayed on screen as the caption which, when clicked, will download the file.

Please remember that this will only work in certain browsers and visitors to your web site using browsers which do not support this HTML 5 attribute (such as Internet Explorer and Safari) may wonder why this feature in your gallery does not work as expected. (You may wish to add a note somewhere on your web page to say that direct download functionality is available only in Firefox, Chrome and Opera.)

I hope this helps.

Re: Feature Requests

Steven - thanks for a very comprehensive and prompt reply. I'll take a closer look and use the information to see what I can do.


Re: Feature Requests

Show / Hide thumbs automatically.

As per this thread :

I would like to be able to have thumbnails visible on page-load, but then to slide out of sight after a set period.

Ideally, I would also like to be able to make them reappear with mouse-over.

Why :

I have found that visitors to my sites mostly never see, nor pay attention to the button bar.  They never click to show or hide thumbnails or run the slideshow. So it is up to me to find the best way to show my images, by taking care of that for them, whilst at the same time, gently pointing out how they can alter the viewing experience to make it either more practical or aesthetic depending on their preference or current needs (e.g. someone concentrating on the images themselves, or a client going through image choices).


Re: Feature Requests

Image Nav show on Hover

I'd like to see an option 'Show Nav on Load' same as for 'Show Overlay on Load'.

It's possible to rollover the image and see nothing (left side of image if looping un selected). So user sees no Nav and no pointer and assumes it's just a static image.


Re: Feature Requests

I work a lot with panoramic images and they show poorly in the viewer because one side is much bigger than another.
They look very small and on very small on tablets and phone and all the detail is lost.
I would love to have an option to navigate [zoom and pan] into them, or any other option that could allow to watch them in a better way.
Thanks a lot for your excellent work.

Re: Feature Requests

I have been using another Slideshow software before and like the Wet Floor effect, which seems to be widely available in other Slideshows software as well.
Could you please consider adding this future as I think the look would be even nicer.
Here is an example of what it looks like… please notice bottom of the slideshow.

Re: Feature Requests

A fixed layout gallery.
