(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


What is the version of Adobe AIR you installed?

I just tried on testing PC with latest version of AIR runtime - version, and getting the same issue with you.

I then uninstalled the AIR and download to install AIR runtime including WebKit - version It works and back to normal.

Hope this help.

Link - https://airsdk.harman.com/runtime

I found a workaround on other post. Thanks.


I am using Pro and wordpress plug in.

In Desktop (large screen mode) is no issue, means I can see other content in my wordpress page/post, such as comment area and top menu bar.

However, I have view the same page/post on mobile, small screen mode with splash page shows the content and menu bar, but while I click the Juicebox plug in in splash page, it will goes to full screen to show my juicebox gallary. The top menu bar cannot be display and use in this case.

Before I used juicebox wordpress plug in, I used frameset to divided 2 frames, top for menu bar, and main for juicebox. In this case, I worked perfect. But in wordpress, i cannot use frameset. Would you give me some idea?

Hello Steven, thanks again for your help. I finally get this fixed by changed one setting on NextGEN.

In NextGEN, Other Options, Miscellaneoue, this is an option named "Use dashes instead of underscores when generating new image files". I changed the setting from Yes to No, and removed all the image file and reupload it. Then the thumbnail file names now become thumbs_xxxxx.jpeg, and thumbnails on WP-Juicebox can be display now.

Steven @ Juicebox wrote:

Thanks for the links.

The paths to the thumbnails in your WP-Juicebox gallery's XML file all look fine.
Here's the path (taken from the gallery's XML file) to the first thumbnail in the gallery:
https://wp-test.8014.net/wp-content/upl … test2.jpeg

This looks to be OK. Inside the 'test-1' folder in the path is a subfolder named 'thumbs' (expected for NextGEN) and the filename for the thumbnail image itself has the prefix 'thumbs_' (also expected for NextGEN).
However, when I go directly to the location above in a browser, I get an error 404 (file not found).

Also, going directly to /wp-content/uploads/sites/1/nggallery/test-1/thumbs/ results in an error 403 (forbidden).

Please check that the file structure on your web server matches the expected structure from the paths in the gallery's XML file.

First of all, FTP into your /wp-content/uploads/sites/1/nggallery/test-1/ folder to make sure that there is actually a folder named 'thumbs' there.
Then check inside the 'thumbs' folder (if it exists) to see if you thumbnail image files are there. (They should all have the prefix 'thumbs_'.

If everything seems to be present on your web server, then check the permissions on the files and folders to make sure that they are not too restrictive.
Default permissions of 755 for folders (i.e. the 'thumbs' folder) and 644 for files (all the files inside the 'thumbs' folder) should be fine.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for your help!! This information is very useful!
This is very strange. I verified the physical path and err 404 is not permission issue. And I reviewed again the thumb jpeg file path you checked on my XML file. The file name is different with my server.

From XML, thumb file name is thumbs_test2.jpeg. But file on physical folder is thumbs-test2.jpeg.

I did another test to copy same file of thumbs-test2.jpeg and rename the file to thumbs_test2.jpeg, then the thumbnail can be display correct on my WP-Juicebox page......

So the problem is why NextGEN generated the thumbnail files as "thumbs-" not "thumbs_".

Let me further check why this happen on my NextGEN.

Thanks for your help again.

Steven @ Juicebox wrote:

That's odd. I've just created a gallery using WordPress v6.1.1, WP-Juicebox v1.5.1.4 and NextGEN Galery v3.35 (a WP-Juicebox gallery using a NextGEN gallery as the source of images) and both the main images and thumbnails appear as expected.

Being that I'm not able to reproduce the error, could you please post a link to your dysfunctional gallery's web page so that I can investigate and hopefully help further? Thank you.

Hello Steven, thanks for the reply. I believe this is my Wordpress configuration issue or permission issue on my IIS server (or windows folder permission).

This is the link for WP-Juicebox with Media Library, both main image and thumbnail are fine.

This is the link for WP-Juicebox with NextGEN, main image is fine, but thumbnail does not display..

Thanks for your help..

Hello, I used Juicebox Pro for few years, and recently I am planning to switch my site to WordPress.

I built a wordpress and added the WP-Juicebox plugin without issue.  Since WP-Juicebox with Media Library as image source is not very friendly for manging the gallery, so I used NextGen.

Thumbnail is able to display if I used WP-Juicebox with Media Library.

However, thumbnail is not showing while I used WP-Juicebox with NextGen. The thumbnail image is showing black box only.

I confirmed NextGen is generated the thumbnail correctly, and I can managed the thumbail on NextGen.

Would you give me some idea...?