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How to Sew Pleats

Do you want to use your entry level sewing machine to sew classic touches on your skirt, curtains, bags, or dresses? It would be best if you considered pleats right away. Pleats are particularly significant when working on sturdy fabrics, including silk, wool, and kinds of cotton. The process of sewing pleats on your fabric requires three steps these are; 

measuring and marking the fabrics, folding your fabric, and sewing and securing the pleats. With constant practice, you will eventually master the act of sewing pleats. To find out your idealhttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/973/42250583882_ba2835e588_o.gif top sewing machines for beginners, please check product reviews and guides on the Crafts Selection website.

Measure and Mark the Fabric


You need to measure your fabric because you have to create room for pleats. Keep in mind how many pleats you intend to add, pleats measurements to your fabric’s length. Spread the fabric out in a single layer and on a flat surface and make the right side face up. You may want to pre-wash, dry and iron the fabric before measuring. 

Draw and mark a line where you want to locate the first pleat, and you can follow pattern instructions on this. You can use chalk for temporary marking. If you are using one of the top small sewing machines for beginners, you need to mind the length of your fabric and ensure the machine can hold it. 

Next, draw another parallel line to the first line for the first pleat. Create your desired width by measuring from the first line to the second. Mark the center of the two lines and draw a middle line between the first and second. Continue marking the fabric in the direction you want it.

Fold Your Fabric

To fold the fabric, pinch the top edge along the top-most line you drew earlier, and keep in mind that pleats are often secured most at the top. Fold this fabric over to the middle line and then pin it to secure. Repeat this procedure for the second line you drew and continue pinning until all are secured. It would be best if you have already owned ahttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/958/27428159927_1caac58d27_o.gif good sewing machine for beginners before this stage.

Secure and Press Your Pleats


First, you need to change your sewing machine to a straight stitch, and this is what you need to hold your pleats in place. Position your fabric under the machine’s needle and presser foot. Make sure the stitch is about 0.5 inches from the fabric’s top edge, then adjust the presser foot to hold the fabric in place. A basic sewing machine should have a reliable presser foot for easy adjustment.

Sew the straight stitch at 0.5 inches from the top edge of the fabric, and when you are done sewing, press the pleat with a hot iron to make them neat and crisp. You can also hem the edges if you haven’t done that already. Keep in mind that pleating is often done before attaching it to a dress. Therefore, you must not make the mistake of attaching it first before creating pleats. Thehttps://farm1.staticflickr.com/873/27428160247_8a101fac25_o.gif best sewing machine for beginners should be able to simplify setting adjustments for pleat making.