Wow if it was a snake it would have bit me! I was looking in the Button Bar section. I'm going be changing the config.xml files for all the galleries and changing it there to save time.

Thanks for your help!

I'm trying to remove the button and can't find where to do it. I'm assuming I'd have to edit the config.xml file. Can anyone give me some guidance?


That fixed the problem. I also created a media query css file to control the way the main index appears on mobile devices. I haven't tested it on my tablet but it works on my Android phone. If anyone has an iPhone to test it on I'd appreciate it.

I'm in the process of creating galleries and they render fine on my desktop browser (Waterfox 56.2.11) but when I view them on my Android phone the back button is nowhere to be found. The URL to one of the galleries is … ndex.htm#1. What am I doing wrong?
