Hello Steven,

Thanks this helped. It is however not that simple in Wordpress to add JQuery to a page. Also we have an older theme.

I added this to the wordpress functions.php file

function my_theme_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script( 'my-great-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/menu_fix.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0.0', true );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_scripts' );

And I made a js file callled menu_fix.js and addded your code.

Site with explanation https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/adding … wordpress/

This worked, so it is fixed. Did not test on other devices

You can also add css-classes to menu items. So maybe it could also be done that way.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks very much for your support and replies.

Unfortunately we have run into some sort of bug / issue.

Reproduction steps on Desktop Win 7 Firefox and Chrome:

Expected result: You can select the menu option

Actual Result: The menu option is greyed out as you are also hovering over the WP-Juicebox. The options pop up seems to conflict with the menu.

Of course we can solve this be addding some breaks and lowering the position of the WP-Juicebox. Also soon we will make a new website for this client.

Do you perhaps know some way to solve this? It seems the code conflicts there on hover

Is it correct that Tinymce is located inside the existing juicebox plugin folder?

No. The TinyMCE editor was never included within WP-Juicebox.
Older versions of the plugin included code (inside a folder named 'tinymce') to add an 'Add Juicebox Gallery' button to WordPress's own TinyMCE editor toolbar.
However, later versions of the plugin moved the 'Add Juicebox Gallery' button from the TinyMCE editor toolbar to alongside WordPress's 'Add Media' button (and so the TinyMCE code was no longer required and the 'tinymce' folder was removed from the plugin package).

We updated the older plugin so that is why the TinyMCE folder would be present on the server. Can we just remove the folder?

This would be good to know since we are getting some php errors related to php 7 on this

I have run the current version of WP-Juicebox (v1.5.1) under PHP 7, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 without any problems but if you find any issue with WP-Juicebox under a certain version of PHP, please let me know so that I can investigate further. Thank you

Sorry, I should have been more clear we where getting errors related to TinyMCE and errors related to plugins which came with this older theme. I just wanted to let you know that it is working correct on WP 5 and PHP 7.3

So I have only one question left. Can we safely remove the TinyMCE folder in the Juicebox plugin folder on the server? Or do you have some other suggestion.

Hello Steven,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I already succeeded in doing this today.

What I first did was just uploading the jbcore folder and later I tried to add the pluginthrough wordpress. This however did not work.

In your explanation you could consider adding like ftp client where it says manually.

Is it correct that Tinymce is located inside the existing juicebox plugin folder?

Did this used to be part of juicebox? This would be good to know since we are getting some php errors related to
php 7 on this.

At the moment we have juicebox 1.5.1 working on Wordpress 5 with php 7.3 on an older theme. So for now we are good.

We however did not test on mobile devices

We where having some problems do to php upgrades on our hosting server.

Kind regards,


Sorry to bother but I think this might be asked before.

We have a pro license for our clients. We had working on the machine.

We downloaded 1.5.1 and uploaded and overwritten the jbcore folder through ftp.

However the wp-juicebox/wp-juicebox.php file still gives version

And in the wp-juicebox/jbcore/juicebox.php in says // v1.5.1.1.

Also there is a new file wp-juicebox/jbcore/pswd.php

In wordpress the version is also still

What did we do wrong here? Or is there something wrong with the download?

Thanks in advance for help with this.