(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Others have requested that the OG Image tag be dynamically updated to the current image being viewed so that when someone clicks share it chooses that exact image that is being viewed at that moment to share to represent the gallery.  Others have claimed this is not possible but I see someone at this thread has proven it is in fact possible and works just fine:
http://drib.tech/programming/dynamicall … javascript

Can we get that in a new version of juicebox?  That seems like a pretty major improvement/fix.  Thanks!!

Right, to be clear I was referring to updating the OG Image tag via javascript which the person at the link above appears to have pulled off.  Any chance we could see that functionality in a near-future version of juicebox?  That would really put this gallery system over the top!

I see this post by someone who claims you can indeed update the OG Image meta tag with javascript and that facebook will indeed see the change.
http://drib.tech/programming/dynamicall … javascript

Has anyone done this successfully with JuiceBox yet?
Thanks for the great gallery plugin!