Hi, we have paid for the pro version. We have used this script for our photo albums.

The way our site is setup, the user clicks on the photoalbum link and the image (first) shows up with a url "View Gallery"

In IOS chrome the clicking of the "view gallery" successfully displays the images which can be swipped with the finger.

However in Android Chrome and UC Web browser the image is not displaying the images (upon clicking view gallery).

Can someone please help with this? I would prefer to send urls via email so kindly let us know if you can tell us your email address for support in this case.


Edit: I'll send you email. Thanks!

Hi so I'm using your pro software with Drupal 7. It's with a module.

I wanted to ask, how to modify the font size of each photo caption/title? We want to lower the font size. Thanks!

I read the docs and it's in config.xml. We are using the drupal 7 module. Where is the setting file then? Thanks!

Hi where is this imagePreloading setting done? Is there some settings file?

Also do we have to drupal build the entire image albums across the site or just replacing the script files would suffice? Thanks!

Hi thanks, can you confirm it's '/sites/all/libraries/juicebox/' directory and not '/sites/all/libraries/juicebox/jbcore' ? Thanks!

Hi so we purchased the pro version. We are using the lite version and 50 images limit is there.

We are using the Drupal module. How do we upgrade to pro version now and remove the 50 images limit? Thanks!

Thanks Steven, I have another questions for albums containing about 100 images what's the best ImagePreloading settings?

Most of my visitors are mobile users (80%). I guess I wouldn't want to download all images at once in this album right?

I want the album gallery to load quickly for mobile users.


Hi so I can't test the ImagePreLoading feature in the lite version? Please assist. Thanks!

Hi I am considering buying a pro license for your script. I have two main questions:

Firstly, when I open a url with an album from your script, it waits for all images to download, hence slowing load time, especially in mobile phones. If the album contains 50-60 images that would really slow things up.

Can the above behavior be changed/customized?

Secondly if I purchase a license for domain example.com would the license work for subdomain1.example.com and subdomain2.example.com ?

Kindly assist. Thanks!

Hi we are installing Google Amp on our site. Would juicebox pro work with google amp? Mobile view and desktop both.