Great !

This worked perfectly by deleting the .tempGallery folder !

Many thanks !

Hi Steve,

I'm really annoyed...
I've used Juicebox for several months now but since a few month I can't open an existing gallery any more.
We JuiceBox starts, I press "Open Gallery" Select the folder where the config.xml file is (such as I was used to do !) but nothing happens ! Absolutely nothing happens...

Another trouble but maybe because of the same bug : When I select a simpleviewer gallery and accept to convert it to a Juicebox gallery, the gallery.xml file seems to be well converted to a config.xml file but... It won't open ! I can't open the new config.xml file and I don't have the gallery.xml file any more...

I have no problem with creating a new gallery.

I really look forward to your valuable help

