
When viewing the gallery with iOS it seems to send users to:

/juicebox/jbcore/full.html (which 404s).

Thanks Steven

I think this is a perfect start to getting a working solution. I attempted to position the icon in the same way you are doing, but found the positioning off, I think I needed the timeout to allow for everything to get in position.

Thanks again for the help, really appreciate it. You can mark this as solved.

Hi Steven,

Thanks again for taking the time to look at this.

Putting the whole bar over the image isn't going to work for the client.

I'm working locally on virtual machine, so supplying a URL to a live site with functionality that doesn't work for the client is tricky.

I've put together a 3 minute video demonstrating the issue here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ol2wwvsouf3k … e.mov?dl=0

I don't think I'm doing anything unusual with my usage, and I'm only adding a single element to the Juicebox gallery, hopefully there is something simple I'm missing.

If I raise the z-index of each parent element of my icon, I can get the click to register. However, the navigation icons no longer work.

Hi Stephen,

I've tried exactly this and get no luck.

If I remove the jb-classify-layer (the divs you mention) then it will start listening to events. Is there something else I'm missing?

I'm also curious why the navigation arrows are able to have events on them also.

Thanks for the help as usual Steven. I'll be looking into the thread shortly.

I'm looking to move the full-screen / enlarge icon from the icon bar, to a be absolutely positioned over the image that is displaying, like this:  https://cl.ly/2L0Q3c3C3B1R

I can create the image (after the gallery loads) and position it correctly no problem. However I cannot get any event-listeners to attach to it at all. Ideally, I'd like to attach a call to toggleExpand() on click.

Is there another alternative for achieving this or is there a reason I cannot attach events to items in the JuiceBox gallery. (I have managed to attach events to other icons (although these were in the icon bar)

I'm looking to re-initialise the gallery size when the screen resizes.

I have can reinitialise the whole gallery, but am worried about speed issues doing this.

I know I can call an API command to specifically set the width and height as pixels, but I'm looking to only resize the gallery as it would look if the screen had reloaded at that specific width/height.

Hi Steven,

Thanks for the quick response, it looks as though the gallery was serving the medium image because I'm on a retina screen.

Everything else is working as expected, thanks!


I am creating XML config files manually, and am trying to get multi-size image support working.

an example of one of my image tags in the XML file:

 <image smallImageURL="../gallery/597f8b73-9234-4a27-8cbf-0f4dc0a8192d.jpg" largeImageURL="../gallery/597f8b74-d7c4-427c-8d41-0f4dc0a8192d.jpg" imageURL="../gallery/597f8b73-23b8-4903-bac0-0f4dc0a8192d.jpg" purchaseURL="293025" thumbURL="../gallery/597f8b74-319c-4f72-a8cd-0f4dc0a8192d.jpg"/>

Although I can see that screen mode SMALL is being activated, I cannot see Juicebox loading the smallImageURL path, the only image used is the one defined in imageURL.

I'm also experiencing this behavior when creating XML files using the gallery builder. The docs aren't 100% clear when it comes to creating XMLs manually, should I be defining any additional properties, particularly in my config options (i.e. JSON object passed to JuiceBox()) ?

Thanks for any help