(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thanks for your reply Steven. I think this might have been my last question, but youve been so helpful throughout this process and I appreciate you taking your time.



(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hi Steven, just to be sure I understand. Is the 'SM.png' below the best I can expect to make the small screen mode with caption look? (IE caption over the image) or is there an option Im not using that would push the caption below?

I am currently forcing Large screen mode and the below you can see the outcome - the expanded view is basically ideal but on load the image seem unnecessarily small. Not terrible, but it would be great if it could simply be expanded on load.

Thanks again,

Hi Steven,
This worked perfectly. Thank you, Ryan

Hi Steven and jzphoto,
Im attempting to do the same thing (have the keyboard nav be active once the page is loaded rather than after clicking). My issue is that the client I am building the site for uses the Lightroom plugin because he doesnt want to have to code, so Im wondering if there is a way I can paste this little
    jb.onInitComplete = function() {
into a template so it adds it automatically as he cranks out galleries.



(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hi Steven,
Thanks for your suggestions. All that I really need to do can be controlled in the mobile css via media queries but the trouble Im having is that I cannot replicate some of the layout attributes that Im seeing on my mobile display by closing down the browser window.

Mainly I am trying to control the following aspects of the UI in mobile only"
1. Image numbers and captions below image rather than over the top (mobile landscape)
2. Hide navigation arrows
3. Images not clickable (there's a click state on images that turns them grey momentarily on mobile- it seems to have no effect)

4. Make image 100% width of screen
5. Hide exapander? (If the image is already 100%, no need to expand)

If I could see these things in-browser on desktop I could use Inspector. I see a number of media queries in style.css that I could over rule with my custom.css but I just need to know that the appropriate selectors are for each.



(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I am curious if the following can be setup in Juicebox. The difference between the unexpanded and expanded views are so similar on mobile, Id love to just use the expanded view and get rid of the expand button. Is this possible?
