All clear now.
Thank you for your prompt response!

I just noticed that all my slideshows start with no sound, though the icon shows the sound should be on. When I click on the icon to toggle the sound I can hear it, but the icon shows with "X"
Did i set up something wrong?
pro version


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Great! The second method is the only I will implement, since I need Gallery Title for a different purpose.
Thank you.

One more question.
I use back button URL to point to an additional document, so is it possible to add  target="blank" attribute in xml file? If so, how?

Thank you for your reply. I was testing the gallery on a computer without an email program, so it opened the link in the same tab, that's why I asked if it can open another tab...never mind.

how to as in the subject?