Yes, that works! I couldn't get my theme CSS to override the inline CSS when I tried before - I must have just been using the wrong selectors.

Many thanks for your help.

Sorry, I meant can the arrows be styled differently from each other, e.g. white arrows on the image and black arrows in the thumbnails?

Thanks Steven, this fix appears to work well.

Thanks Steve, that's a great help.

Can the arrows on the main image and the arrows in the thumbnail area be styled differently - or is there just one set of styling options that controls both sets of arrows?


The 'right' arrow on the main picture doesn't appear when 'imageScaleMode' is set to 'FILL', see

Is there a fix for this issue?

Many thanks


I would like to remove the circle backgrounds from the thumbnail navigation arrows, but they seem to be created using inline CSS which I can't override in my custom theme.

Is it possible to customise the styling of these arrows?

Many thanks