ok thanks

Where is the path / name of Kosel viewer ?

thank you
yes, I had made some manual modifications before, let me study again.

another issue

In Kosel theme My Galleriy index page can show the navigation menu, but in Juicebox page can't, how to enable navigation menu in Juicebox page ?

I remember it can show in ver. 1.61, until after update 1.70, there are many problem

Gallery index page

Juicebox page

Showkase v1.7
New theme option to upload an image for the gallery index page and hide it in the gallery itself.

how to do that ?



When I use ver. 1.61, I can put a Juicebox page under a Gallery index page group, but in ver. 1.70, how can I use this function ?

Juicebox page and Gallery index page in same group now

How to disable Juicebox page navigator url ?

If I setting expandInNewPage="TRUE"

when I click the gallery big photo, it go to standalone photo, not thumbnail.

Is there another method can show thumbnail on Android device ?

expandInNewPage="TRUE"   sample

Issue about Android device return button


When I click one of this gallery, then go to gallery main page, and click the big photo, go to thumbails page, and click device return button, it normal return to main image, but click reture once more, why go to thumbail page again ?

PC version is no problem


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hope the next version may be add

1/ custom thumbnail in gallery index page (eg. image from libary)

2/ more than 2 level gallery index page

3/ custom gallery index page thumbnail can link to other page/website.