Finally, I'm very happy with Jukebox. The only thing to improve would be to add Custom CSS code directly in LR :)

Yes, that's what I've done. :)


I've haded @import webfont in css (directly in the plugin). But I risk to loose it the next update... Could you simple add a Custum CSS entry directly in LR ?

And yes, using caption instead of Tilte works perfectly.

Happy !

Many thanks ! (happy for the 49€ ;) )

I have 2 or 3 questions more :

- How to change the font to a Google font (Open 300). If possible, the easiest way... :)
- How to the text size for all the caption (left text is bigger than numbers at right)

It's always here :


You can see here the result :

- You can see the linear-gradient for the caption : It's not what I've set (It's even impossible to set a gradient ??!). I've set a white caption background color with 30%opacitity. Same bug if I put the caption over the image.
- You can se the logo : even set at 50px height, when small window, the image go below the logo...

I've try to edit the css : not better. the gradient is write directly in the html code :o

I'm really disappointed :( 49$ for something doesn't really work. What append ?

Here is capture of the bugs :