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Juicebox v1.5.1 Released!
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One more question regarding the back button. I set the following options:
Everything works fine, except the image hover text. It seems that it is fix set to "Go Back". Is there a way to use the "backButtonText" instead?
PS: It seems that the backButtonText is only used, if backButtonUseIcon is set to false.
Perfect! Exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks for the quick reply.
Hi there,
I'm using the Juicebox Pro plugin in Lightroom and have created several fullscreen galleries in own folders of my website. Until now exactly what I want. To give an overview about all galleries I wrote an php-based site where my visiters could see and select existing folders/galleries. This works as well. Now I'm looking for a solution how a visiter, which have opened one gallery could navigate back to my overview page.
I would love, if I could still use the fullscreen mode and add an own button to the navigation bar, an hyperlink elsewhere or anything else. Are there any options for doing so?
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