I've changes my ftp client to be able to set the right permissions, but nothing changed.
After checking all the points you noticed, I have contacted my web host. And you're right the problem was at the web hosting. It's now solved.

Thank you for the fast and clear support!! :-)

I join the response of my web host support (in french). May be it can be usefull for you

Un pare-feu applicatif (WAF) a été mis en place sur la plateforme Web le 14 mai 2020 et une des règles (WebShell) bloquait l'accès direct depuis navigateur à certains fichiers sensibles tels que le fichier "config.php" car ils sont généralement appelés dans une include() ou un require() PHP sans passer par le navigateur coté client.

Sauf que votre site effectué une connexion Javascript (probablement via JQuery) sur ce fichier "config.php" en passant du côté client. Comme ce problème aurai pu se reproduire, j'ai ajusté la règle du WAF afin de ne plus bloquer l'accès aux fichiers "config.php".

Pour en savoir plus sur le WAF de FSH : https://www.franceserv.fr/forum/topic-3 … age-1.html

Merci de m'avoir signalé ce problème, il est maintenant résolu et désolée pour la gêne occasionnée.

Thanks for the very fast reply.
I only can get the 750 permissions for the folder, setting 755 is not able. do you think this is the problem?

I'm using the juicebox WP plugin to generate galery on my web site since many years without problem.
Since a few days, I have the " config file not found" without having done any modifications and I don't undestand where is the problem.
I must admit that I don't speak the xml language and only use the graphic interface of wordpress and Juicebox.
With the new Box interface of WP, I even couldn't create any new gallery with Juicebox, the button had disapered. I had the erase my Juicebox pro plugin and replace with a new juicebox lite WPplugin to get back the possibility of creating a new gallery.
But even when creating new gallery The "config file not found" persist.

My website is www.renecarayol.fr
Normaly, le config file of my galery is named with the gallery number ans is in:

can you help me to find the solution?


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I've just installed the new juicebox plugin wordpress 1.5.

It seem that there is stlll the same problem of max size.

I just inform you that I made the same modifications you told me last year, in line 1355 instead of 1366.

It works very well with this modification.

I think you can make the modification for the next update.

Best regards

Thank you for your fast answer.
I made a test, and it seems to be ok for the momment.
As we have to use a picasa url to find the album ID, I hope we'll still be able to use this method in the future when google stop to maintain Picasa.
Thanks for the perfect support of your products.

I used juicebox tu create slideshows with my pictures from Picasa.
As google stop Picasa we have to use Google photo
I read the topic :https://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2101 
A made the update to juicebox lite to test the issue.

But I have a problem:
• with my old albums, there are no problem and juicebox works normaly
• But juicebox do not show pictures with new albums created in Google photo.
   - the share option are enable
   - the acces to the album is open for everyone.

I only can see the new picture in a juicebox slideshow when i upload the on an existing album created with picasa.

do wou have an idea to solve the problems?



(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thanks for your fast answer.
I made the changes in line 1366.
It seems that it solved the problem :-). If i want to use 1920 pix pictures, should I change 1600 by 1920?

Now, i can use juicebox and Picasa, thanks very much


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I used Simpleviewer to publish pictures from my Picasa albums and it was perfect for me, exept that Simpleviewer work this Flash.

So  try to use JuiceBox for the same use, and a have a problem i can't solve.

Juicebox do not load the picture in the full resolution , and only displays 512 pix images, (the pictures are 1600pix). If I use the tag "imageScaleMode=Scale" ,  Juicebox stretch the 512 pix pictures to fill the screeen, but do not une the 1600 pix.

you can see un example with the 2 galeries: one with Juicebox (on top), and the same pictures with Simpleviewer (bottom)

http://www.images-ocean-indien.com/la-r … adagascar/

Thanks for your help.