Thanks Steven.

I have a gallery webpage with multiple SlideShow Pro galleries  (currently 12 plus video) showing with AutoPlay enabled.  Since SSP is shutting down,  JuiceBox 1.4.4 was selected as an alternative.  However, I am seeing a problem with AutoPlay enabled on a test site with three galleries on a single page. Following a page load or refresh, AutoPlay will cause at least one of the galleries to flicker instead of displaying each slide. Shutting off AutoPlay on the flickering gallery and then restarting it after a short while often corrects the flicker. Disabling AutoPlay on all three galleries removes the problem entirely, and when turned on, all three galleries rotate their slides as expected. The issue can be seen on Chrome, Safari or Firefox OSX.

The galleries have separate ids configured with a base url pointing to a common juicebox.js file. The test page is at

I have considered  a "gallery menu" of thumbs to open each gallery on demand. Disabling AutoPlay entirely seems to work. Is there a fix available?