I have updated Juicebox to v1.4.4.1, and it solved the remaining problem (transition from last to first image). Great!

OK, I can live with this single problem for now, and prefer to wait for Juicebox v1.4.4.1 which hopefully will have the bug fixed. Thank you.

Thank you very much Steven for your excellent support! Changing imageTransitionType from CROSS_FADE to SLIDE did the trick with Juicebox-Pro v1.4.4 on the transitions from image 10 to 11 and 30 to 31, however, the problem still persists on the transition from image 40 to 1 (last one to first one). Do you also have a workaround for this last remaining problem? Thanks!

Thank you for your quick reply. The problem is there with the latest versions of Firefox (38.0.5), Chrome (43.0) and IE (11.0) on both Windows 8.1 and 7. I have tested it on several different computers. The browser cache is completely cleared.

Please view the gallery, expand it to fullscreen mode, and let the AutoPlay turned on. You will see the problem while viewing image 11, 31 and 1 (after the last image).

You can see my problem at the gallery I have setup at https://df2015.icc.or.at/photos: in fullscreen mode, there are 10 thumbnails below the main image. When the main image (displayed in autoplay mode) changes from # 10 to 11, the thumbnails row refreshes from [1 - 10] to [11 - 20]. The caption area on the main image's overlay moves down out of the image when image 11 is displayed. The same happens on changing from 30 to 31 and from 40 to 1.