(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Have you tried on more than one machine? I had a similar problem only specific to Firefox 38 but other people couldn't replicate.

Whatever the problem was it seems to have gone away with FF 40.

As far as I can make out it was a combination of Jquery, FF38 and a.n.other factor that I never did crack.

I have found that when I visit one of my galleries using Firefox 38 the PC will freeze for about 15 to 20 seconds. This only happens on the first visit of a session. There doesn't seem to be a problem with Chrome.

Clearly this isn't something that I want happening to visitors.

Some time on Google suggests that this is a javascript or jquery issue but with the way the juicebox.js file is condensed it is pretty well impossible try and trace the issue even if my js skills were up to it.

Any workarounds or have I got something silly set in Firefox? OS is Win 7 Home Edition.

I have replicated the problem using the Juicebox demo