Hello -

Now that I've had a chance to explore the basic juicebox features and have an understanding of how it works, I checked the demo to see how your  ecommerce works.  I was disappointed to see that fotomoto is the built-in solution, because I found juicebox in the first place when I was searching for an alternative to fotomoto.  While fotomoto is a fine bit of software, they do not allow websites with the .photography TLD to use their system.

I see that juicebox will accommodate other ecommerce engines.  Are there any that you recommend that don't require a lot of coding gymnastics to work with your system?

Thanks again,

Wow.  Your reply really surprised me.   Providing the code AND step by step instructions.  Most developers would have stopped with the first sentence in your reply.

Thanks so much for both, not to mention how quickly you provided the answer.  It works great!

Thanks Steven -

I do have php on the server.  What do I do with this?  Add it to a config file?  Wrap it in php tags and put it somewhere? 

public class jbController : ApiController
        // GET api/<controller>
        public HttpResponseMessage Get()
            String s = "";
            s += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
            s += "<juiceboxgallery>";
            s += "<image imageURL=\"http://biltema.se/ProductImages/17/large/17-380_l.jpg\"";
            s += " thumbURL=\"\"";
            s += " linkURL=\"http://biltema.se/ProductImages/17/large/17-380_l.jpg\"";
            s += " linkTarget=\"_blank\"";
            s += " sourcePath=\"http://biltema.se/ProductImages/17/large/17-380_l.jpg\">";
            s += "<title></title>";
            s += "<caption></caption>";
            s += "</image>";
            s += "<image imageURL=\"http://biltema.se/ProductImages/25/large/25-0490_l.jpg\"";
            s += " thumbURL=\"\"";
            s += " linkURL=\"http://biltema.se/ProductImages/25/large/25-0490_l.jpg\"";
            s += " linkTarget=\"_blank\"";
            s += " sourcePath=\"http://biltema.se/ProductImages/25/large/25-0490_l.jpg\">";
            s += "<title></title>";
            s += "<caption></caption>";
            s += "</image>";
            s += "</juiceboxgallery>";

            return new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent(s, Encoding.UTF8, "application/xml") };

Hello -

Juicebox seems to do everything we need, except for the ability automatically display (or not display) images as image files are either added or removed from the image directory.  I'm currently exploring the free version, so I don't know if this is already a feature of the paid, which is what I'll need should I use this script.

I found a thread that seems to have a solution for this,


but from my limited understanding of coding, this solution won't work on a linux based site, such as mine. 

So, does this already work in the paid version, and if not, is there another thread with a copy/paste solution for php that I can use?   I'm a photographer and not a coder, so it would be great if it would be that simple.
