(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Please add the option to SLIDE when clicking the left/right arrow button overlays or icons, even when "imageTransitionType" is set to FADE.

Reason: While I generally like FADE (or CROSS_FADE) better, SLIDE is a more intuitive feedback with these left/right buttons as the user immediately sees in which direction the slideshow moves. Doing FADE with imageClickMode="NAVIGATE" is fine though.


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

1. Font face: The docs say "Fonts must be installed on the viewing device to be displayed.". In times of font loading from websites with @font-face, this is really weird. Please do add an option to display external fonts.

gfs wrote:

More control of font handling and placement/position for caption/titles/numbers etc. The standard font positions are quite intrusive into the image area, which whilst it may suit some galleries, it doesn't suit them all.

2.  I agree - the current placement options (of lack of) make my gallery can look ugly, for example the image "n/m" line isn't aligned with the caption or title if it's one the same line

come_paglia wrote:

Please add to the Configuration Options (analog to the different background colors) for different background images (patterns, combined with the css command repeat) regarding the standard embedded gallery and the expanded gallery, so that there would be following options available:

  • backgroundUrl (already existing)

  • backgroundScale (already existing, but option repeat for patterns missing)

  • expandedBackgroundUrl

  • expandedBackgroundScale, including option repeat for patterns

3. I'd like to endorse that, I find the current built-in background options very limiting.

For me, I'd like to have "FILL" but with control where the cropping occurs. I'd like the image put either on a side or in a corner, and have the cropping on the other side. For this, the FILL option should be amended with a "position" options specifying n/ne/e/se/s/sw/w/ne

With the current center-only fill, you have to have the background's content in the center or it'll look stupid. Example: if you have a background like a beach with the sky above, you want only the sky above cut while retaining as much of the beach as possible.

These marked parts from jucebox' computed css are was I'd like to be customized: <img class="jb-panel-background" style="position: absolute; top: -256px; left: 0px; width: 1366px; height: 768px;" src="../../../index.jpg"></img>

... but the xmp tags.

At least the builder prefers xmp over iptc if both are present. Using pro 1.4.2 with latest air update. fyi, you might want to adjust the menu to spare other users the time it took me to figure this out :-\