Thanks again. According to the FAQ the imageScaleMode seems to be a PRO Option.

Thank you for your reply. It helped a lot.

There is still the main issue: I found out the design of the gallery "Juicebox Lite Embedded Example", has to do with the size of the pictures (the example is with landscape format to be flush with the gallerybox, which is what I am looking for) - that's why I didn't get the same look.
I started to test: If the gallery has a certain size e.g. 400px and I put the picture width on 400px as well, they are not flush with each other. I changed the picture width to 900px - which optically already gets closer to what I want. Therefore see the following link, look at picture 4: … test2.html

I have now a black gap left on the top - I am sure with a little bit of testing I also can avoid this. BUT what I don't unterstand is the relation of the gallery and the picture measures to each other. What's the logic behind it and how can I calculate the perfect gallery size according to my already converted pictures?

Thanks a lot for your advice!

Hi Steven

I didn't publish the page before and just tested it local. Then I published it and now it covers parts of my navigation. What I look to achieve is exactly "Juicebox Lite Embedded Example". To embed in my page without covering the navigation.

I am not a webmaster at all. So maybe you can give me a simple advice when looking at my code. … _test.html

Thanks a lot in advance!

Hi there
I am new with Juicebox since today. I think I got how it works. But there's one important thing that I don't get. I downloaded Juicebox Lite because of the design "Juicebox Lite Embedded" which is showed as an example ( However I can not find out how to get this design. I only can get the design "Lite Full Browser Version" ( which I embedded in my test page. It works all and I configurated it to have the ideal size within my page - but I just don't wanted this design. Of course I see that I can change the background colour to white in the Juicebox Builder, but the design never gets the same as on the mentioned link.
Can anybody help me?