Thanks for your prompt reply!  I'll take a look at the code you described tomorrow.

I'm building a site using Django and Python.  It's not Wordpress or Drupal or anything like that.  I'd like to include a responsive photo gallery feature.  What I will be doing is passing a list of photo indicies to a Django HTML "template" page.  The template will then display each photo (001.jpg, 002.jpg, etc.) in the photo gallery.  Can I do this with JuiceBox by just embedding the Embed Code as shown in the Embedding Guide?  It doesn't look like it.  I need to do all this programmatically so I don't want to have to use any "JuiceboxBuilder."  I just want to drop whatever JavaScript and CSS files the gallery plugin requires into my HTML page and go.

Is what I'm describing possible with Juicebox?  If so, are there any code samples on the Juicebox site that show how this is done?  I couldn't find anything.  JB sounds like a great product but I'm a developer writing code for a large commercial site, not an individual who want to post some pictures on their personal website.  I'll have hundreds of users uploading photos so I can sit at a JuiceboxBuilder console and constantly rebuild each user's photo gallery.
