I am trying to use a free webspace provide to host my gallery after GoogleDrive has stopped working.

I have uploaded the full gallery using FTP and created the link on my blog as is shown in the setup guides however i get the message 'config XML file not found'

Would appreciate any tips, see links below and attached docs.


Gallery location : www.littlemanor.info/p/gallery.html
Blog made on Blogger - <div id="cp_widget_44ff9a27-8d65-4e2c-9374-e0a48c91bff0">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="660" scrolling="no" src="ftp://b7_19595176:madagascar14@ftp.byethost7.com:21//htdocs/Little Manor/Galleries/index.html"width="1200"></iframe>


Thankyou so much, I knew it would be a simple fix

I am trying to upload a gallery to Blogger using an online web template, I have followed the guide on the Juicebox website but at step 11 when it says to click on preview I do not see a link so my src points to the google doc instead of the gallery itself.

I imagine it is just a simple mistake on my side but any help much appreciated
