I am planning on redoing my client's site using WordPress.
I already redesigned it once... sadly in the time it took for my client to ever have time to make changes I became claustrophobic of the design and am redoing it in a more 'open' layout.
Anyway, the galleries use a flickr gallery; like so (old site):
http://greatplainslandscapes.com/testpr … y-gallery/
And I thought it would be cool for my testimonial page for my new site:
http://greatplainslandscapes.com/mockup … onials.php
It would be super cool if you could have links to a gallery of their project but not have to make a new gallery for each one. So like if the reviewer is Bob Kelso then we can go into our flickr and tag some of the pictures we took of that landscape with #kelso and then I can have some link like www.site.com/gallery.php?galleryname=kelso and then it would go out to that flickr account and grab all images with that tag.
TL:DR; Basically instead of hardwiring the flickr tag in it would be nice to set it as a property in the URL... but I still need to use the WordPress plugin.