I am planning on redoing my client's site using WordPress.

I already redesigned it once... sadly in the time it took for my client to ever have time to make changes I became claustrophobic of the design and am redoing it in a more 'open' layout.

Anyway, the galleries use a flickr gallery; like so (old site):
http://greatplainslandscapes.com/testpr … y-gallery/

And I thought it would be cool for my testimonial page for my new site:
http://greatplainslandscapes.com/mockup … onials.php

It would be super cool if you could have links to a gallery of their project but not have to make a new gallery for each one. So like if the reviewer is Bob Kelso then we can go into our flickr and tag some of the pictures we took of that landscape with #kelso and then I can have some link like www.site.com/gallery.php?galleryname=kelso and then it would go out to that flickr account and grab all images with that tag.

TL:DR; Basically instead of hardwiring the flickr tag in it would be nice to set it as a property in the URL... but I still need to use the WordPress plugin.

Thank you for your reply, it sounds like the best way for my client to get the control that they would want would be to use flickr. My ultimate goal with wordpress is for my client to be completely self sustaining... unfortunately he is not the administrative type so it normally falls on me anyway...

Please forgive my lack of wordpress knowledge, but how I understand it, if I use the wordpress method to pull pictures to a gallery, can I not have any other pictures on the page? Because if I try to place a new picture somewhere in the body, it will add all pictures that were assigned to that specific page, is that correct?
Here is an example page:
As you see the gallery is the header and they may have more pictures below the header.
If this is true it shouldn't be a problem but if it is then I will need to let my client know ahead of time and see if they want to start pulling from flickr instead.
Thank you for your help!

I am torn for what to use as a source for my galleries. On one hand, I like that I can use tags to select certain flickr groupings, just slap the tag on what we want to see in there, that's great! I use them for the general galleries with photos that don't need any cropping.

On the other hand, I love WordPress' multiple sizes and the ability to crop within the Media Gallery, but the way you select photos is not quite so wonderful, I wouldn't know how to add or remove photos outside of recreating the gallery all together. Adding photos to a gallery is an option, I saw, but some photos may already exist because they are used in other parts of the site and I would prefer not to have them in there twice and it doesn't seem how to address removing photos.

With plugins like Enhanced Media Library we are able to use tags and categories for pictures. Why this is not a fundamental part of WordPress is beyond me... but I was wondering if it is possible to select photos based on a tag using a plugin of that nature? If not even being able to filter based on existing fields such as description (treating it like a tag) would be a start.

If working with a keyword plugin is not available that would be a very useful addition.

Okay that is seriously cool of you! I had posted the same question on the wordpress sub-reddit and someone was kind enough to do a pull request to fix it. For some reason I didn't get an e-mail saying you had sent a reply this morning, I had just come on here to say it is resolved
I didn't think whitespace in my functions.php would cause so much damage. I will be careful from now on. But now that it is working I will take advantage of git if it ever breaks again!
Thanks for all of your help!

I am using the underscores theme. When I created a fresh copy of underscores and loaded that, the gallery worked perfectly. This further validated what you are saying about something in my code is injecting the 4 lines.

Worst case (and this would not be pleasant) would just be to move my changes line by line over to a fresh copy until it breaks again.

Thanks for your master sleuthing with this, I will run it by the kind people at the wordpress.org forum and go from there.

Another wordpress question

An example of our current site is here:

You can see there is a photo gallery of rotating images and it is separate from the content and every single page has a personalized images associated with that particular page.

From what little I understand of wordpress, if you have pieces of content then you can use custom fields and place that content wherever you wish. I made a custom field labeled gallery and gave it a gallery and it just puts the gallery as plain text, as you will see here:
It just says gallery: [juicebox gallery_id=" 3"] above the about header

I was wondering if any of you have used another method to get the juicebox gallery to load somewhere other than the main content window?

Edit: I should note in case the juicebox customer service reps see this after seeing my previous post, I am still having trouble with my previous issue of juicebox not loading at all in wordpress; knowing how forums and support can take time I am just trying to multitask instead of trying to resolve one issue at a time.

At 215 kb I am not a fan of having the juicebox.js always load when I don't need it, especially initial site load but it will need to be a fix until I can find the problem or find an alternate gallery application.

At least the box shows but now I get an issue where it is saying "Config XML file not found". On your FAQ there is a line saying "Make sure the config.xml file is in the gallery folder" but I don't see a gallery folder.

Is this something that should have been generated but just didn't generate correctly because the JS wasn't loading when I created it?

I looked in the original wp plugin and didn't see any gallery folder in there either.

Thank you for your help so far! I am eager to get this working I just wish I tested this earlier on in development so I could verify it wasn't something I did.

Edit: I tried to turn off and turn on the plugin and create a new gallery (it says gallery 3 now) but that still didn't load any gallery folder or xml. Does Juicebox require jquery? I ask because I don't think I have jquery loaded.

Have any of you had any issues with using the popular underscores with juicebox?

I remember last Fall when I installed a fresh copy of the underscores theme, before I did any editing, and it didn't work, but when I switched to twenty fourteen it worked fine.

If anyone would be willing to take a look you can see an example here:

http://greatplainslandscapes.com/testpr … ebox-test/

You will see there is no juicebox gallery... but if you inspect the element for the text "testing123" you will see it is right above it in the code. Something is preventing it from showing and I am too new with wordpress development to even begin to find the culprit. I don't have any other plugins on.

I would love to use juicebox for this since I paid for a 5 user pro license but I am so far vested into using underscores I can't start over with something else.

If it helps to see some setting I have on the PHP side you are welcome to check out the repository for my theme at:

I am testing the wp module on wordpress. This example doesn't have any pro settings, just has a height of 600px and is pulling from a gallery in flickr.
Basically when I view it on a phone, the images just hover over the text and the menu along the top is just hovering over the menu that is there, which is kind of messy. An example of it is here, this is with the bare 2014 template with the juicebox example thrown into the post.
This may change so I apologize if it is not relevant when you click on it
Also, are there settings that we can turn off in the non-mobile version (such as the sharing icons) so they won't get in the way.
Lastly, if I wanted to just use the Adobe AIR application to create the slideshow with my client, is there a way I can export the settings to be the text I would put into the pro settings section of the wp module?
I know it is a faux pas to have 3 relatively unrelated questions in one post but I felt they were related.