OK, I figured it out by posting this! When I'm pasting in the copied Set ID from the Flickr URL field, it is double pasting it like this:


when it should just be: 72157645204926744

Since it pastes just fine into any other application, I have to conclude that you have a bug when pasting (maybe just into Set ID, maybe in more fields) into JB PRO Set ID that is causing double input from the paste.

Hope this helps you guys for an update!

It must be something on my end. Here is a SET ID of mine that won't work on my end:


Since yours won't work either, I have to imagine it is something local. I just bought and downloaded the new version of JB Pro today. I took my old JB application and threw it in the trash.

I also have an old version of SV Pro, but I can't imagine that is affecting this install at all.

Your Set ID is not working for me. How can I completely uninstall JB Pro and re-install? Maybe there are library files conflicting somewhere? What are your thoughts?

I had previously made a bunch of galleries only using the Set ID of different sets from Flickr, and if I open an existing one and save it with the new JB 1.4.2 it is fine, but if I start a NEW Gallery, and simple add a Flickr Set ID, it says "Flickr Images Not Found" when I click Load Images. The User ID works fine, and Tags work fine, but I'm hitting a brick wall with Sets. I really need this feature to work. It is already a paint to go back and re-save/upload every gallery.

Please let me know if it's something I'm doing wrong.
