Thanks for the response. It seems like creating a method for this would make a nice addition to the API and would make Juicebox a lot more versatile for Flickr users.
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Juicebox Support Forum → Posts by tim.williams
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Thanks for the response. It seems like creating a method for this would make a nice addition to the API and would make Juicebox a lot more versatile for Flickr users.
I hacked it out by putting the configuration options in a function, passing the tag as a variable and reloading the whole thing. There must be a better way.
function juicer(theTags) {
var jb = new juicebox({
useFlickr: "TRUE",
galleryWidth: '390',
galleryHeight: '550',
backgroundColor: '#eee',
containerid: 'juicebox-container',
captionPosition: 'bottom',
showOpenButton: "false",
captionHeight: 25,
imagePadding: 5,
buttonBarPosition: "TOP",
galleryTitlePosition: "TOP",
themeUrl: "//bla/blas/juicebox/classic/theme.css",
configUrl: "//bla/bla/",
textColor: "333333",
textShadowColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
captionBackColor: "rgba(238,238,238,.5)",
showAutoPlayButton: "false",
showThumbsButton: "false",
galleryFontFace: "Georgia,serif",
flickrUserId: "38123794@N03",
flickrSort: "DATE-POSTED-DESC",
flickrImageSize: "LARGE",
flickrImageCount: 75,
flickrShowDescription: "TRUE",
flickrShowPageLink: "TRUE",
flickrTags: theTags,
flickrTagMode: "ALL",
imageTransitionType: "CROSS_FADE",
enableLooping: "TRUE",
I would like to change flickrTags configuration option with JaveScript and and refresh the gallery. Any clews???
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Juicebox Support Forum → Posts by tim.williams
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