The Juicebox plugin for Lightroom automatically sets the gallery's width and height both to 100% (to display the gallery on a page of its own, filling the page) and it is not possible to change these values in the interface.
If you want a gallery with different dimensions, then you will likely be embedding the gallery in an existing web page alongside other content and should follow the embedding instructions

I don't know what I want - this was simply the code I copied from JB - in the hope that it would give me in Lightroom the gallery I had created in standalone JB

Also, the background color and opacity can be set in the interface (in the 'Color Palette' section) without the need to enter the values manually in the 'Pro Options' text area.
Other options should be entered into the text area in the form

But I'm not a coder!! - how do I know what I need to put into the Lightroom box? - I just can't do it!! Why do you think I bought JB.....?!

Please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look for myself and determine the cause of your problem.
In the meantime, perhaps the troubleshooting

URL is: I noticed that JB did not create a index.html file - is that why?

Also, you should be more upfront about the lack of ftp - whilst you can build galleries you can't actually publish them.
Thanks for your prompt replies, hope you can help.

And i've just uploaded a gallery built in JB via an ftp programme and it doesn't work. I've uploaded everything in the gallery folder.

I'm not doing very well here, I don't know why.

I hope you can help, I feel that I'm wasting a lot of time here and am close to asking for my money back, surely it shouldn't be this difficult?


I've done all that - and it doesn't work, I just get a white spinning hexagon with a teardrop inside.......... and suggestions why? the code is simply:

optionName="galleryWidth: "100%"
optionName="galleryHeight: "100%"
optionName="backgroundColor: "rgba(204,204,204,.2)"

I've also just been using standalone juicebox - and so have just discovered that you cannot ftp from the software, so I need to add yet another step into my workflow, which now makes it very clunky - so that's not a good option for me either.

This just isn't working well for me :(

I've just bought Juicebox specifically to use with Lightroom. But... you just get Juicebox lite and you have to do the coding yourself. I'm not very happy about this - I want to spend my time being creative not learn how to move code around. Very disappointed this is not the product I wanted.

When are you going to upgrade the lightroom plugin to the pro version.............?