Thanks for your reply - it was extremely helpful.
I have downloaded JuiceBox Lite and looked at its workings. It would not run with Chrome locally, but Firefox was OK.
I am very confused and probably naive about the XML. My basics in HTTP are also very limited.
If I have understood it at all. You are generating some XML within the page and not as I thought creating a file.
All my HTML page is generated from a PHP script, so if I output an XML block as per your example with the image details, in my whole page script, the Juicebox script will find that XML and act accordingly with the images listed.
My PHP would do the following
Build basics of page
Get List of Images to be shown
add Script juicebox.js
Create overrides for CSS changes to any 'jb' elements
echo XML data block with list of images
add 'new juicebox' script at appropriate point in HTML file, along with any parameter settings.
Complete rest of page
I may not need to reference configURL or set it to "" and I can set baseURL to ""
If I have got the logic/flow right I will try to write some php, which will achieve the required result
Thanks again