Replaced the jbcore in the plugin directory and now things are totally working. Thank you.

All my options are working properly except for one. I'd like the thumbnails to be hidden by default, but to have the thumbnail button displayed so that they can be used if the viewer wants them. The other options work

    galleryTitle="<%= escape(trim(model.nonCSS.jb_galleryTitle)) %>"
    textColor="<%= rgba(model.nonCSS.jb_textColor_, model.nonCSS.jb_textOpacity) %>"
    thumbFrameColor="<%= rgba(model.nonCSS.jb_thumbColor_, model.nonCSS.jb_thumbOpacity) %>"
    showOpenButton="<%= model.nonCSS.jb_showOpenButton %>"
    showExpandButton="<%= model.nonCSS.jb_showExpandButton %>"
    useThumbDots="<%= model.nonCSS.jb_useThumbDots %>"
    useFullscreenExpand="<%= model.nonCSS.jb_useFullscreenExpand %>"

Thanks very much

Yikes, I can't believe I'm being that sloppy. Thanks for the specific and helpful instructions.


Thanks for the reply. I have been working on this and I'm still having problems.

I understand from what you write that generally options controlled from the user interface should be controlled that way, and most others can be controlled through the config.xml file. Some options, but just a few, should be controlled through editing the index.html file.

However, perhaps I am missing something but when I enter code like this into the config.xml file it does not work:


and yet


does work.

Is there something non-logical going on like only the first value is getting picked up. I've experimented but don't understand what's happening.

I have looked for, without finding, a general description of how to set up default options so that a new gallery, created in Lightroom using Juicebox-Pro, will have specific characteristics.

For instance, with what priority does the Lightroom/Juicebox interface work with manually setting options in the juiceboxgallery section of the config.xml and also when and how should one use the entry box for Pro options. I tried, for instance, to set the background color through config.xml but it didn't work; it appears it needs to be set in the UI.

Is it possible to set all Pro Options and basic settings to preferred settings and where should that be done?

Thanks - after clearing the cache this works.

I'd like to have captions off by default when the user opens the browser, but with the info button visible so when clicked the caption overlay appears. Is this possible? The info button toggles properly but captions are always visible when the slideshow is opened.