Steven wrote:

You can embed multiple galleries using the baseUrl method as documented here.
You can keep each gallery as a self-contained entity in its own folder and upload the complete gallery folders to your web server but all the HTML pages into which the galleries are embedded can be anywhere on your web server (all in the same folder if you wish).

I'm trying the baseURL method, but it doesn't seem to be working. Could you help?

I have my regular juicebox folders put in their own "zukan_gallery" folder...

And then on the page I want it embedded on, I have the following put for the src and baseURL:

                <div class="col span_1_of_2">
                        <!--START JUICEBOX EMBED-->
<script src="zukan_gallery/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
  new juicebox({
    baseUrl : 'zukan_gallery/',
    containerId : 'juicebox-container',
    galleryWidth : '800',
    galleryHeight : '600',
    backgroundColor: '#222222'
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>


But on the page itself (, nothing is embedding. What is going wrong?


I was viewing this guide ( … -galleries) for embedding multiple galleries, but noticed that it recommended to keep the html pages themselves in the same, separate folders of the Juicebox galleries.

This isn't an option for me, however, as my site depends on having all of my html pages on the same level (at least, I'd rather keep them that way.) Does anyone have more specific instructions on how I'd link to separate Juicebox galleries without having the html pages in their folder? i.e. what path would I use?

Also, does anyone have a good guide to embedding resizing galleries? My site ( … /Home.html) has responsive div's so I'd like the galleries to match. I saw this bit on the instructions page:

Using a Resizable Gallery with a Header

Sometimes it is useful to have a HTML header or footer and have Juicebox resize to fill the remaining browser window. In this case we can use JavaScript to dynamically resize the gallery when the browser is resized. In the examples below we use the jQuery JavaScript library to do this.

... But I'm a bit new to juicebox/jQuery and wasn't able to follow from the example pages alone. Could I add something to the embed code alone to make them automatically resize with the window?

Thanks for any help!