(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you Steven for all of your help! After a few hours of closely looking through all of the code, I remembered that I had created a div for a background with a width of 100% to go across the entire page (not just the columns). I think that the Juicebox was taking that width instead of the column that it was in.

I also had to play around with the juicebox container's width... and it somehow worked!

Thanks again for your patience!


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hi Steven,

Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I have placed the gallery in a parent container. But it doesn't seem to work. The gallery always gets cut in the middle (only half of the picture shows) even if I define a parent div width, only half of the image would show up. The gallery seems to ignore the width of the div since I noticed that it always wants to center align with the width of the page (ignoring all of the divs it is in).

I went through the errors that the site lists (all of them) but I don't believe they are contributing to the problem since all of them are "obsolete" tags for example <center> and border tags.... I also placed the gallery on a similar page http://www.gofree.com/123-LAC/CollegeGr … RyenL.html and it seems to fit... does it have something to do with me switching from .html to .php? This is the newer page: http://www.gofree.com/123-LAC/CollegeGr … gRyenL.php I didn't change any of the coding between those two pages other than changing the page from .html to .php and adding some "php includes."...


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hi Steven,

Thanks for the quick reply. I tried removing all of the excessive <html> and <body> tags (I was using php includes) and I inserted a div with a defined width % but the gallery still seems to get cut off.

I went through the W3C markup validations and CSS one too but couldn't find what is causing the gallery to shift over...

Is there anything else you can think of? I tried aligning everything left in Juicebox and uploading it but everything was still cut off...


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I'm having problems with the gallery I have on my page.
http://www.gofree.com/123-LAC/CollegeGr … gRyenL.php

It is in a responsive site and as you notice, the gallery seems to want to horizontally center itself to the page, no matter whether you make the browser larger or smaller (and it is getting cut off). Is there a way to get the gallery to properly resize and fit in the correct spot (centered within the div)?


Steven wrote:

Try changing:

<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

... to:

<div id="juicebox-container" style="float: left;"></div>

It worked! Thank you so much! I spent 4 hours yesterday trying to figure this out... can't believe it was so simple :P

I just purchased the Pro version and attempted to embed the gallery into my site. The gallery shows up; however, not in the correct place.

I read through the entire Juicebox site and forum but could not come up with the solution.

Here is my page that I'm working on right now: http://www.gofree.com/123-LAC/

I noticed that the gallery gets pushed down to the end of the page because the div that I insert the gallery into (the main div section) has a floating border to the right.

This is my div for my floating border:
<div id="VerticalBorder" style="height:100%;float:right;width:8px;"></div>

This "VerticalBorder" only has a background image set to it in the css.

It seems as if this vertical border and gallery cannot coexist. Is there a way I can fix this?

Is there an option in Juicebox?

Thank you very much in advanced.