First off the gallery is generally very good. The problem I am running into is that I am currently integrating this gallery into a cms and loading the image information as a seperate xml is a bit limiting. We we do a database call to generate the embed code, the gallery, images and lots of other meta data are all in the model being called. We are using Yii framework for reference.
We then had to create a separate xml service to load up the images again for the config url that is called via ajax by the script. This in effect is doubling the response time to get the image data from 250 ms to 500ms. It would be far more efficient to allow in page embed of the image sources. Ontop of that, we are using caching which makes it difficult to manage two caching layers for the gallery meta data and one for the xml image service.
Is there any way to do in page embed of the image source like this:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271 … ml-in-html
Any other ideas?
The gallery is really good, but adding a json remote and variable data source would really make this the ultimate gallery in my mind.
Thank you so much for your hard work.