thank you for your excellent support even on a Sunday for somebody who years ago paid a minor sum to your company... Great!

I'm confused as how to proceed. We have a working handcoded web site and are moving towards a Wordpress-powered one. All images are maintained in Lightroom. I installed all the plugins.

Would anybody be so kind to provide a brief step-by-step tutorial how to put a gallery created with the Lightrooom Plugin onto an existing Wordpress page? Do I need the WP plugin at all or would the use of a code snippet make more sense?

If (what I expect) this process requires moving files per hand, please include typical folder structures.

Thank you so much.



(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Ruud Westerhout wrote:

... with an automatic sliding from left-to-right.

This (together with zooming often called Ken Burns Effect) would be very much welcome and was indeed the main reason why I chose Monoslideshow some years ago. As that software was Flash only, I switched to Juicebox, and it's much more mature, but - no Ken Burns effect! So, yes, I'd like to see this, too. I would even be willing to pay extra for this feature.

Thank you , that's it.
Not only a great slideshow, great support on top!

Thank you for the quick answer. I did exactly as you wrote, but it didn't change anything. I tried then to start JuiceboxBuilder-Pro with a right-click and admin rights - to no avail.

I start by changing the values to my values:
Then I click "save defaults" and see
I click ok, then ok again in the parent window.
If I open up the same dialog immediately again, the new values are there - but, well, that doesn't help me much.
If I close and reopen JbB-Pro, I see what I don't want to see:

Any additional ideas?

edit: I don't know why the images don't show up, but they are accessible under the links shown.

I create my galleries in Lightroom, export them via the Plugin, then open them in JuiceBoxBuilder-Pro to create the small, medium, and large images.
Unfortunately, I have to re-enter the image sizes every time as the "save defaults" button does exactly nothing. It doesn't matter if I process multiple galleries in one go or if I close and re-open the app for every gallery.
Is it me? Is it a bug?



(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

In the css I see already many classes  having "large-screen-mode" in them. It would be great (or perhaps that is possible, but I just don't know which classes to style) to have the ability to style the large screen mode and the standard one independently of each other, e.g. increase the font size of the caption for the large screen mode.


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I would like to have two image folders, say "images" and "images_large". When the user decides to watch the slideshow fullscreen, the large images are being used, otherwise the standard ones.

have you tried to put the links in the caption field?

Obviously, the gallery is displaying just fine, but it sits on top of your navigation (instead of below it).
I'd try to style your juicebox-container with something like

position: absolute;
top: 50px;

or, if that does't work, float your header like this:




(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

can you provide a link to your web site so we can have a look? Please state the name of the page where the gallery should appear.

I don't find a solution to move the caption text up, as Firebug tells me the code overrides all css:
Any ideas?

may I suggest a forum category "showcase" where people can put up links to their galleries for inspiration?

I don't have a solution, but a suggestion: try using the configUrl parameter described here: … ed-options.


clearing the cache did the trick. Sorry to bother you with such a beginner's error.

our website contains some 20 galleries, currently Flash using MonoSlideShow, which I am in the process of converting to Juicebox. All works fine, but I cannot get themeUrl to work.

My directory structure:

|      |
|      +classic
|      |
|      +hc          <= that's the folder I want to refer to, currently an unmodified copy of "classic"
galerie---anlage.html       <= page containing embed code
            +anlage               <= folder containing config.xml, images folder, and thumbnails folder.

My code:

  <script src="../js/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    new juicebox({
    baseUrl : 'anlage/',
    containerid : 'main',
    galleryWidth: '491',
    galleryHeight: '491',
    backgroundColor: '#222222'               
  <div id="main">

I tried:
themeUrl : 'hc/theme.css'
themeUrl : '../js/jbcore/hc/theme.css'
themeUrl : '../../js/jbcore/hc/theme.css'

Any ideas? Including any of the above themeUrl parameters stops the gallery from working.

Greetings from Germany,