Brilliant - that has done the trick!
I had tried numerous combinations of what you propsed - but hadn't quite got it right.
Many thanks,

I need a pointer to get me sorted on this please.
I am creating a query string to pass the gallery name to a php page which houses the juicebox gallery.
Wihin the php page I am extracting the url
    // The value of the variable
    $Url = "photo-archive/" . $_GET["album"];
    echo $Url; // for testing

I am now struggling on how to associate the $Url variable to baseUrl within the call for Juicebox?

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
new juicebox({
baseUrl : *** how to define the variable ***,
containerId : "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "100%",
galleryHeight: "100%",
backgroundColor: "#222222",
showOpenButton: "false"
                <div id="juicebox-container">
                <!--END JUICEBOX EMBED--></div>


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Yes thanks - it wasn't obvious!
That is the answer  - I have added a pluig to give me the functionality


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I may be missing something but following the instructions regarding editing and deleting images from a slideshow - I cannot see how to delete images from a specific slidshow without deleting them completely from media?
It must be possible surely?



So just a supliment to the previous:
I see now that each time you run juicebox builder the complete directory structure is built in the target folder
(image, thumbs, xml, index.html etc. and the jbcore folder with all of its contents.

As I am going to be embedding in my own page do I have to have all the rest of this stuff created each time - just taking up space it would seem?

I am experimenting before purchasing pro version of Juicebox.

I am setting up using baseurl and external jbcore folder
and then creating folders for each of my albums

I am thinking that maybe the option mentioned here
using the php code as the xml file so that images dropped into a folder will be read and so that these may be changed without having to recompile the xml each time.

Is it possible to configure juicebox builder to create the images alone (Full size and thumb) and save these to a named folder, maybe usig the xml option if the php option is not workable?

It seems that when Juicebox builder runs and creates the images and files, that jbcore is created each time in the destination folder?  If using a single copy of jbcore externally - can this be amended so that this unneeded creation is prevented?

Maybe this has been detailed somewhere - so would be glad of a pointer to the right information.

