Dear Steven,

I'm sorry but I have encountered a new problem I hope you can help me to solve.

As I said the solution you wrote me works perfectly, as you can see in this page: clicking on “View gallery.

Here it works, but from the main page of the portfolio, if you click in the Crossroads gallery, and then again on the button “View gallery” – which is the same button, same code, as in the portfolio post page here above – the browser opens a new tab but not a lightbox.

I guess this is happening because the link for that portfolio gallery is loaded via AJAX. It is maybe because a Javascript lightbox function like this will only run on initial page load, but at that point the gallery link doesn’t exist. It loads onto the page later via AJAX. I think that some modifications are needed in order that Juicebox can work after this initial page load, but I don't know which code to add, nor where.

If it would work all my problems would be solved, and I could stick directly to Juicebox pro to manage all my galleries.

If you can help suggesting me a solution it would be mostly appreciated,

thank you very much for your attention and sorry for this further question...

my best regards


Dear Steven,

    thank you very much for your quick reply, I appreciate it very much.

The lightbox works perfectly now, with qTranslate I tried in several ways using the language tags but I still haven't succeed finding a proper solution.

Thank you very much for your help!


I'm using the Juicebox galleries lite version and I find it very powerful and practical at the same time, perfect for my needs.

Before purchasing the pro-version, I have two questions:

- is it possible to open the juicebox gallery clicking on a link or button, to a lighbox in the same page?

  Eg., here there's the beta version of my portfolio,  , and I would like the gallery to open in a lightbox after clicking on the button "Open Gallery".

- does it work in a multi-language environment, eg. with qTranslate plugin for Wordpress? I need this feature especially to translate titles and captions.

Thank you very much for your attention,
