steven, the hight is set everywhere.
the problem was not that but the juicebox gallery within an iframe.
i changed the structure of the portfolio and did it without iframes and now it seems to work.

thanks for your prompt feedback.


just noticed that ipad works fine and chrome also, but FF and IEX don't work correctly. this is very strange.
could you have a look?

thanks steven for your support.

safari mobile seemed to loop. so i decided to reduce the gallery div height to 98%  and now it works ...


have no idea why, but on the ipad the galleries are not running correctly with fading.
all other browser and available devices are fine.

on safari/ipad instead of fading in/out the pic is going slowly lower as soon as you touch the screen.
here is the link to the galleries


steven, thanks for your answer.
i did exactly like you described it and the config.xml is located in the (local) gallery folder.
nothing happens at all ...

edit 23:12:
figured out the problem: a config.xml was opened in editor. this probably blocked the function.
i closed the editor and it worked fine.

sorry to disturb you with this.

i'm a juicebox-newbie  ;-)


(15 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

have been using SV on all my sites and changing now to juicebox ...  happy customer!
here is my free portfolio on my photography website

It does not open existing gallery ... although gallery has been produced before, is online and works fine.

would like to add new photos ...