Please find my test website where the "peinture" menu is build with Juicebox-Pro gallery and "dessins" menu with Simpleviewer-Pro.
To achieve the SV-Pro options in my own configuration, new JB-Pro options would be necessary :
1. Main image
- Main image without shadow
2. Overlay
- Image navigation styles - i.e. Cursor...
3. Thumbnails
- Thumb frame and Thumb frame hover color
- Thumb frame and Thumb frame hover width
- Thumbnails without shadow
- Thumbnail navigation styles - i.e. Numeric, Circle, triangle...
4. Button bar
- Button bar position with H.alignment and V.alignment (relative to the main image size - and not to the main image area)
- Button bar padding (relative to the main image size - and not to the main image area)
- Button bar scale
5. Caption
- Caption font name and font size (from JB-builder tool instead of in the ccs file)
- Image number font size
- Caption text H.alignment and V.alignment
- Caption position Overlay_Bottom relative to the main image size - and to the main image area
I hope that these new functionalities will be delivered with a next JB-Pro release.