
my thumbnails in the first part of the builder (images) where you can move them into different order, are not showing up. im using png's and the thumbnails generate for the customization part of the process, but its hard to move the images around in the right order without being able to see the thumbnails in the first part of the process...

any way to fix this??

thank you so much!


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

thank you so much! i got it to work!

is there any way to do this using the baseUrl way so i can get into expand mode or is this not possible?

thank you so much for your help!


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

please respond as soon as possible....

i would really like to use juice box with wix and have been trying to code it all day without results.....PLEASE HELP!


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)


i am building a html5 wix site and i would like to use your juicebox gallery instead of their offered  galleries... (they are horrible) is this possible to do?

how would i go about embedding juicebox into my site? i dont know how to upload my photos onto wix so that the juicebox gallery images know where to come from.... could you please give me step by step directions?? i am going to try this out, make sure it works then buy two juicebox pros for my two websites.

also, when using the juicebox builder: trying to upload my images into the builder, it only uploads/processes some of my images and i cant figure out why? they are all under 300k and they are all jpegs

thank you so much!!!!! i LOVE JUICEBOX!!