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Juicebox v1.5.1 Released!
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Steven wrote:@edwinoonk
Thank you for the suggestions.
It sounds like you are referring to WP-Juicebox. If so, you can use a transparent background by setting the Background Opacity in your gallery settings window to '0' (zero).
Also, if you wanted to reverse the order you Picasa gallery images, you could change line 105 of the 'config.php' file from:
$attachments = $Juicebox->get_attachments_picasa($custom_values['e_picasaUserId'], $custom_values['e_picasaAlbumName']);
... to:
$attachments = array_reverse($Juicebox->get_attachments_picasa($custom_values['e_picasaUserId'], $custom_values['e_picasaAlbumName']));
... although this would reverse the order for all Picasa galleries. (I understand your request for a new option to toggle this image order per gallery.)
Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of WP-Juicebox (v1.4.3.1).
Yes, I'm referring to WP-Juicebox and yes I would like to toggle that image order per gallery.
BTW, I am running v1.4.3 where can I get v1.4.3.1?
I would like to see the following features in the next update:
1. While using Picasa as the image source setting the number of images to load from a album with a parameter
2. While using Picasa, an option to show the images in reverse order
3. instead of a background I would like the stage to be transparent (so my site background will be visible. Especially in full screen mode this is something I miss
4. when the image_overlay hides I would like the captions to stay visible (also set to overlay_image). So buttons etc hide/caption stays visible
Hi Steven,
basically it now does the opposite of what I would like (keep the captions and autohide the buttonbar if both are set to IMAGE-OVERLAY).
Check it out on:
Thanks and please let me know when the update arrives.
Hi Steven,
when I set the buttonbarposition to OVERLAY_IMAGE it does not autohide anymore.
Ok, I changed the captions to BELOW_IMAGE. It's a solution but it does not look as pretty as the OVERLAY_IMAGE, especially if the caption does not fit it will cut off.
Maybe you can add an option to disable autohide the caption while remaining the autohide for the other overlay elements in a future version?
Another thing I noticed is that the controls (autoplay, sharing buttons etc) are positioned in the stage area (as an overlay in my case) and not positioned in the picture. Therefore sometimes they are outside of the picture if the gallery contains a smaller image then the other images. Is that something that could be fixed?
Is it possible to always show the captions (as an overlay-image) and autohide the other controls (e.g. the buttons like play, fullscreen, share on facebook etc.)
Because I have some galeries that autoplay when loaded, and I want to always show the image caption, but I don't want to always show those buttons (only when the user hovers over the image with the mouse).
Thanks a lot, that did it.
But I also have the shortcodes everywhere plugin loaded, why didn't that work?
I've put a gallery in a sidebar widget. It does not show the gallery, unless there is another gallery in the main content.
See for yourself. The widget is called: 'live' meekijken
Homepage (widget does not show the gallery):
Page with a gallery in the main content area (widget shows the gallery):
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