
(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

If I understand, thumbnails in the pro version do not need to be square but they will all be the same width and height in a given gallery.

That is correct. The thumbnails were designed more as a navigational tool. As long as you set imageScaleMode to either SCALE_DOWN (the default value) or SCALE, your main images will be displayed in their entirety within the gallery's image area with their aspect ratios respected and without any cropping.


(10 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The configuration options you posted above are not the same as the ones used in the gallery whose URL you posted. The gallery on your web page uses the following configuration options.


The gallery on your web page sets screenmode="SMALL".
If you want to use the Back Button in Small Screen Mode, you will have to set showSmallBackButton="TRUE".
Also, please note that buttonBarBackColor (the background color for the Button Bar) is a Large Screen Mode configuration option only. (This is noted in the description for buttonBarBackColor on the configuration options page.) When you gallery is displayed in Small Screen Mode, the default value of rgba(0,0,0,.5) will be used for the buttonBarBackColor.

If you want to use a Spage Page but want your gallery to be displayed in Large Screen Mode wherever possible, set screenMode="AUTO" and showSplashPage="ALWAYS" (instead of screenMode="SMALL").


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You can use the languageList configuration option to translate the word 'of' (the last entry in the languageList) to something else, such as 'des' or '/'. Please see here for details.
For example, you could use the following to display "1 / 3", "2 / 3", etc.

languageList="Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window|Images|View Gallery|Next Image|Previous Image|Play Audio|Pause Audio|Show Information|Hide Information|Start AutoPlay|Stop AutoPlay|AutoPlay ON|AutoPlay OFF|Go Back|Buy this Image|Share on Facebook|Share on Twitter|Share on Google+|Share on Pinterest|Share on Tumblr|/"

(Alternatively, you could hide the paging text completely by setting showPagingText="FALSE" and showSmallPagingText="FALSE".)


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

If you are referring to a navigation menu (which is unrelated to your Juicebox galleries), then make sure that your menu does not use any global CSS rules that your Juicebox gallery has no option but to inherit.

If the problem that you are experiencing is that your menu is a drop-down menu but that it does not appear on top of your Juicebox gallery, then give your menu's HTML elements a large 'z-index' value so that the menu is always stacked on top of the gallery (and does not disappear behind it).

If you are currently using a menu and would like me to take a look to see if I can determine exactly what the problem is (and perhaps suggest a solution), then please post the URL to your web page so that I can take a look.

If you are looking to use a menu to switch between different Juicebox galleries on a web page, then please see the 'Switching between Multiple Galleries using JavaScript' example in the Embedding Multiple Galleries support section.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Yes. With Juicebox-Pro, you can set the dimensions for your gallery's thumbnails using the thumbWidth and thumbHeight configuration options. All thumbnails in a Juicebox-Pro gallery will be the same size as each other but they do not need to be square.
If you create your gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, the application will create thumbnails at the specified dimensions and will set the appropriate values for thumbWidth and thumbHeight in the gallerys 'config.xml' file.

For reference, a list of all Juicebox-Pro Thumbnail Options can be found here.


(10 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The configuration options you posted do not include any Back Button options but if I add the following to a Juicebox-Pro v1.4.0 test gallery using your configuration options, the Back Button appears black on a white background.


It sounds like you might be using an older version of Juicebox-Pro (although if you just downloaded it yesterday, this is unlikely) or there may be a conflict with some custom CSS code on your web page (if you have embedded your gallery into an existing web page alongside other content).
Please check for these two possibilities and if you continue to experience difficulties, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and help further.
(You can check which version of Juicebox-Pro your gallery is using by looking at the comments at the top of the 'jbcore/juicebox.js' file and you should be able to see if there are any custom CSS rules being applied to the Back Button using your browser's developer tools.)


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If you are not able to upload .mp3 or .ogg files to your web server then you will need to host the files elsewhere (either another web server or perhaps a Dropbox public folder) and refer to them in the audioUrlMp3 and audioUrlOgg configuration options using absolute paths such as the following:


Please check your email. I have sent you a message.
Thank you.


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

So, have you identified an error in this line of code, or is it a temporary fix unique to my case?

The code within the Drupal module should work OK (it is valid PHP and should work according to the PHP specifications) so I suspect a bug in your web server's PHP version (v5.3.26) may be the cause of the problem.
I have a feeling that if your web server's version of PHP was upgraded (to a version where this bug has been fixed), then there would be no need to apply this fix.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

This looks like a bug. Thank you for pointing it out. I have logged a bug report with the developers.

You can still load a preset from the 'Load Preset' combobox or via the 'Presets -> Load Preset...' option from the drop-down menu at the top. The preset will be active and applied to the gallery but the live preview window does not update itself automatically.
All you need to do to see the new layout is to switch tabs (go to 'Images' and back to 'Customize') or click in an input field and then click into a different input field.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You could check the width of the user's browser window using JavaScript and then set the showThumbsButton and showThumbsOnLoad in the gallery's embedding code accordingly.
Create a sample gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and replace the gallery's 'index.html' file with the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                margin: 0px;
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var windowWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : $(window).width();
            var showThumbs = windowWidth >= 640;
            new juicebox({
                containerId: 'juicebox-container',
                showThumbsButton: showThumbs,
                showThumbsOnLoad: showThumbs
        <div id="juicebox-container"></div>

The XML code you posted is normal (although there should be image entries along with the configuration settings).
The more recent versions of WP-Juicebox output to the dynamically-generated XML file only the configuration options required by Juicebox (and do not include the 'e_' settings used only by the plugin).

I see no problem with your gallery's settings.
It looks like the problem might be with the version of PHP on your web server (perhaps a PHP method which WP-Juicebox uses which has been disabled in your PHP settings).

If you are willing to allow me FTP access to your web server, I would be happy to investigate further and try to determine the exact cause of the problem.
Please let me know if you are agreeable to this and I will send you an email where you can send me your FTP login details.
Thank you.

We have just released a hotfix version of v1.4.0 which includes a fix for the problem you reported (the largeImageURL overriding the linkURL).
Details on how to get the latest version can be found on the Upgrading Juicebox support page.

We have just released a hotfix version of v1.4.0 which includes a fix for the problem you reported.
Please re-download Juicebox-Pro using the link from your purchase email and upgrade your gallery following the instructions on the Upgrading Juicebox support page.


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you for providing the URL to your gallery via email.
It looks like the data for your gallery's XML file is being generated correctly so all the correct files are in place and not corrupt.
However, the problem seems to be that the XML declaration in the dynamically generated XML file (the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> line) is not at the very top of the document. There is a blank line before the XML declaration which should not be there and this is very likely to be the cause of the problem.

I cannot be certain but I suspect this may be a bug in the version of PHP which is installed on your web server.
(What version of PHP is installed on your web server and has your web host recently upgraded the version of PHP or changed any PHP settings?)
Please try the following suggestion which should hopefully solve your problem:

Open the module's 'juicebox/includes/JuiceboxGallery.inc' file in a plain text editor and change line 171 from:

return $dom->saveXML();

... to:

return $dom->saveXML($juicebox);

Please note that the line number above refers to the recommended release of the module (dated 2014-Jan-28) which is available from this web page.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

As you are aware, there is no 'Check for updates...' functionality within JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.
If you would like to be kept informed of new releases, then please join our mailing list at the foot of our homepage, follow us on Twitter @JuiceboxGallery or subscribe to our blog RSS feed.


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It has been working just fine until the other day.

Something must have changed for this to happen.
If you did not change anything yourself, then check to see if any automatic updates to your Drupal installation were installed.
Also, check with your web server to see if they have changed anything recently (such as upgrading the version of PHP installed or changing any PHP settings) which may be contributing to your problem.

It would be much easier to troubleshoot your scenario if you were able to provide the URL to the gallery in question so that I could take a look for myself. Without seeing your gallery's embedding code, I have no way of knowing how the path to your gallery's XML file is defined.
It sounds like the PHP file within the Drupal module which dynamically generates the XML data may have somehow become corrupt or missing but, if this were the case, then re-uploading the module's files to your web server (which you have already tried) should solve the problem.

It doesn’t mention what to do with images/ , thumbs/, config.xml, index.html.

These files and folders are unique to each individual gallery and it is not necessary to copy them into the module's own file structure. (The module deals with these files and folders each time you create a gallery.) Only the 'jbcore' folder should be integrated within the module.

As we did not write the module ourselves (and the problem you are encountering seems to be related to the gallery's embedding code which is generated by the module), you might also like to post in the Drupal forum where the author of the module should be able to help.

However, if you continue to experience difficulties, please post back with the URL to your gallery and I will certainly try to help further.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Yes. Instructions for embedding a Juicebox gallery into a web page can be found here.

If, for example, you wanted your gallery to appear in the middle light-grey area on your web page, then you would paste your gallery's embedding code between the <section class="section-wrapper"> and </section> tags (on line 76) and you would also need to copy the contents of your gallery folder into your http://www.bigmusicgeek.com/gallery/ directory.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I have found that sometimes when it stops, I can get it working again by sending the "presets" folder to the trash.

If/when this happens again, please zip the 'presets' folder and email it to me (I have sent you a message regarding another forum query so you should have my email address) before you trash it so that I can take a look for myself and try to replicate the problem. Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Please check your email. I have sent you a message.
Thank you.

Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy solution to your problem.

It is certainly not possible to change the way JuiceboxBuilder-Pro generates the SEO content code.

If the data you wanted to use for your SEO content code were embedded in the IPTC Document Title and Description fields within your images, then you could have JuiceboxBuilder-Pro use this information to automatically populate the image titles and captions respectively (using 'Images -> Titles' and 'Images -> Captions' from the drop-down menu at the top). The image titles and captions (sourced from the image's IPTC fields) would then be used in the SEO content code.

Perhaps you could find a program that would create a batch process to copy the content of the IPTC Keywords field into the Document Title and/or Description fields of all your images so that you could use this information within JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.

Otherwise, you could perhaps use a plugin (for example for Lightroom or WordPress) to create your gallery and then modify the plugin to generate SEO content code.
However, this would likely be a complex and time-consuming project.
You would need to:
(1) be familiar with the structure of the plugin you intend to modify.
(2) be familiar with the programming language used by the plugin (e.g. Lua for Lightroom or PHP for WordPress).
(3) create a method to iterate over the images in your gallery.
(4) extract the information you want to use for your SEO code from the images.
(5) output the SEO content (using the information extracted from the images) as HTML code to the web page.

How this would be achieved would differ greatly between plugins but the principle (the five steps above) would remain the same.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The multi-size image support is a feature of JuiceboxBuilder-Pro only and is not available in any of the plugins.
The Juicebox plugin for Lightroom cannot export multiple image resolutions at once.

I can't manage to get JBpro to use these. Is there a way?

No. It is not possible to tell JuiceboxBuilder-Pro what data to use to populate the tags and attributes in the SEO content code.
JuiceboxBuilder-Pro will always use the image title for the <img> tag's 'title' attribute and the image caption for the <img> tags's 'alt' attribute (and will also use both the title and caption as text within <p> tags).

I think this means that my conceptual understanding of things is solid

Yes. Juicebox's behavior regarding the linkURL should be logical and easy to understand (bugs notwithstanding). If a linkURL is set, then it should be used in preference to any image URL.

maybe a 1.4.1 release?

Very likely. As I mentioned earlier, we aim to fix this bug as soon as possible. If you (or any other users reading this) would like to be kept informed of new releases, then please join our mailing list at the foot of our homepage, follow us on Twitter @JuiceboxGallery or subscribe to our blog RSS feed.

This CSS issue has now been fixed in v1.4.0. Please see this blog entry for details.