
(17 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Don't you think you should be looking at the monitor dimensions instead of the device?

Juicebox determines whether the screen being used to display the gallery is a retina display on the information provided by devicePixelRatio on the JavaScript window object. However, Juicebox chooses the Screen Mode (when screenMode="AUTO") on a number of factors, one of which is the device in use. Both a retina display and Large Screen Mode are required for largeImageUrls to be used for the main images in a gallery.
What result is returned when you run this snippet of JavaScript code in an HTML page with your external monitor attached? (A retina display should return a value of 2.)


The '7.xml' file (and all other numerical XML files in the 'uploads/juicebox/' directory) store settings for each gallery but they are not the actual XML files used by Juicebox when the galleries are displayed.

The XML files used by Juicebox when the galleries are displayed are generated dynamically by the 'config.php' file (with a 'gallery_id' query string so that Juicebox knows which numerical XML file to take the settings from) and it is because the plugin cannot access PHP files directly that the "Config XML file not found." message is displayed.

Try temporarily deactivating all plugins (other than WP-Juicebox) and reactivate them one-by-one (checking the functionality of your Juicebox galleries after each one) to see if you can find a conflicting plugin.

The problem seems to be one of security so if you have any security-related plugins, I would try disabling them first.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I'm glad that you have been able to resolve your problem.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Is there some way of adding our logo somewhere on the gallery?

Please see the Adding a Logo support section for suggestions on how to incorporate a logo into a Juicebox gallery.

in fact they may think they're on the juicebox website because of the logo in the bottom right corner.

If you would like to remove the Juicebox branding from your gallery, you could purchase Juicebox-Pro. Pro galleries do not have the Juicebox badge/link in the lower-right corner.

It would be great too if it only showed up when they went to the elarged view but I'm guessing that's either a Pro feature or requires some tricky [programming.

This is not something that could easily be implemented just by setting a configuration option but it might be possible with the Juicebox-Pro API.
You could run some custom JavaScript code when the gallery is expanded using the onExpand(expanded) event.

jb.onExpand = function(expanded) {
    if (expanded) {
        // Gallery has been expanded. Do something.
    if (!expanded) {
        // Gallery has been closed. Do something else.

I have just double-checked the functionality of editing a gallery and saving changes using the latest version of WP-Juicebox (v1.4.2.0) and it works OK for me.

If the gallery's XML file in your 'uploads/juicebox/' directory is not being updated after editing a gallery, please check the permissions on the 'uploads/juicebox/' directory and on the XML files themselves to make sure that they are not too restrictive. Default permissions of 755 for the directory and 644 for the files should be fine.

If I go directly to the PHP file which generates your gallery's XML data, an error 404 (file not found) is displayed.
http://www.foto.pelles.ch/wp-content/pl … llery_id=7

This suggests that either the file does not exist on your web server, or that access to the file is being blocked.
This is the reason why both your gallery settings pop-up window (in the backend) and the gallery (in the frontend) do not display. They require direct access to the 'jb-config.php' and 'config.php' files respectively.
(This has not changed between v1.4.0.1 and v1.4.2.0.)

Please check the following:
(1) Check that all the WP-Juicebox files (including 'config.php' and 'jb-config.php') are present on your web server.
(2) Check that the permissions on these files are not too restrictive. (Permissions of 644 should be fine.)

Also, you could try checking with your web host to see if they have made any changes recently which would be affecting things this way.


(17 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

What device are you using? Perhaps it is classified (incorrectly) within Juicebox as a small-screen device. If you let me know what device you use, I will investigate further for you.
Have you tried setting screenMode="LARGE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section) to see if this makes a difference?


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I have created a test gallery using the same version of Juicebox as yourself (Juicebox-Pro v1.4.2) and exactly the same configuration options that you use in your own gallery but I have been unable to replicate the problem you are experiencing.

I do not know if it will help but I notice that your gallery's XML file includes largeImageURL entries but the corresponding images do not exist on your web server.
Try either uploading the 'images/large' folder to your web server or remove the largeImageURL entries from your gallery's XML file (either manually in a plain text editor or by editing your gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and deselecting the 'Large Images' checkbox before resaving your gallery). If Juicebox cannot find images that are specified, it may cause problems.

Also, in your email you say "I have been experiencing problems viewing JuiceboxPro  galleries on both an iPad and iPhone where they previously worked fine."
If your galleries were previous working OK but now do not and you have not changed anything yourself, then perhaps something has changed on your web server (maybe a configuration setting of some kind or an entry in your .htaccess file) which may be contributing to the problem. Please check with your web host to see if they have made any changes recently which would affect your hosting account.

Also, to try to determine whether or not a combination of configuration options is the cause of the problem, try creating a basic Juicebox-Pro gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro using only default settings and upload that you your web server to see if this works OK.

Hopefully this will point you in the right direction as to what might be causing the problem.

It looks like your WordPress installation or web server is preventing direct access to PHP files (which will break WP-Juicebox).

If you use the BulletProof Security plugin, then this will almost certainly be the cause of your problem and you will need to add a skip/bypass rule to the .htaccess file in your root directory as follows:

# Juicebox skip/bypass rule
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/wp-juicebox/ [NC]
RewriteRule . - [S=13]

If you do not use the BulletProof Security plugin, then please check your .htaccess file for an entry such as:

<Files *.php>
    deny from all

If you find such an entry, either comment it out or remove it and WP-Juicebox should work as expected.


(17 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

As far as I am aware, the largeImageURLs will be used for the main display in the gallery if the display is retina and Large Screen Mode is being used. If screenMode="AUTO", Large Screen Mode will be used only if the device is not a small-screen mobile device (for example an iPhone) and the screen width is greater than 1000px.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

One possible reason for a gallery not loading on a mobile device would be if it is being viewed over a 3G connection rather than wi-fi. If this is the case, then please see this FAQ which has a solution to the problem.
Why can't I view my gallery on a 3G mobile connection?

If this is not relevant or does not help, then please post the URL to one of your galleries so that I can take a look and help further.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Please check your email account's junk/spam folder to see if the email has been redirected to there. (With some email providers, it may be necessary to log in via their own web page to check the junk/spam folder as messages flagged as junk/spam may not be passed on to a client email program.)

If you still cannot find the email, then please contact support@juicebox.net and the admin team should be able to help you out further.


(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


You can enter a Gallery Title (in the 'Web -> Juicebox -> Site Info' control panel) using HTML formatting (just as you would in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro) such as:

<img src="http://www.example.com/images/logo.png" width="100" height="50" alt="logo" />

... and then ensure that your logo image is uploaded to the correct location on your web server.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you for reporting this problem. It has already been reported in this forum thread.

The double-paste issue seems to happen:
(1) Only on Mac (not on PC).
(2) Only when pasting via keyboard (not via mouse context menu).
(3) Only under Adobe AIR v14.0 (not previous versions).

I have notified the developers of this problem but it looks like there is, indeed, a problem with pasting via keyboard in Adobe AIR v14.0. Please see these links for further details:
https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?eve … id=3775354

In the meantime, workarounds would be to either:
(1) Paste the text via mouse context menu.
(2) Type the text into the input field.
(3) Paste the text via keyboard and manually delete the duplicate entry.
(4) Revert to a previous version of Adobe AIR (not necessary if using #1, #2 or #3 above). Previous versions of Adobe AIR can be downloaded from this web page.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I see the blue lines in Safari 5.1.7 (PC) but do not see any border or outline in Firefox 30.0 or IE11.
What versions of browsers are you using? (I see the problem only in an old version of Safari which Apple is no longer updating for PC.)

I notice that your gallery has a height of 75%. This means that it will have a height of 75% of its parent container's height. This implies that there will be 25% left over which might be contributing to your problem.
Try setting your gallery's height to 100% (so that it fills the height of its parent container) and then decrease the height of the gallery's parent container to compensate instead.

If this does not help, check the CSS of all your gallery's parent containers to ensure that all heights make sense and match up and check CSS rules such as border, margin and padding.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Your Gallery Title is currently missing its closing </a> tag at the end of the link.

is there an easy way to add a little "Home" icon to the gallery?

This is what the Back Button was designed for (but it is a Pro-only option). The Back Button icon can be seen in the top-left corner of this demo gallery.
With Juicebox-Lite, you could perhaps overlay a custom image link on top of your gallery (in the web page containing the gallery's embedding code) using HTML and CSS.

Maybe next to the "Hide Thumbnails" icon?

It is not possible to add a custom button to the Button Bar (in either Juicebox-Lite or Juicebox-Pro) or to include the Back Button as part of the Button Bar.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Set imageClickMode="OPEN_URL" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section) and when a user clicks on an image, the corresponding linkURL will be opened in a new tab or window defined by linkTarget (which can be set to _blank, _parent, _top or _self on the 'Images' tab).


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

the gallery does not have an "expand gallery" button.

This is due to the way your gallery is embedded in your web page. You are loading your gallery's 'index.html' page into an <object> tag in your main page (which is essentially the same as loading a gallery into an <iframe>) and this will automatically disable the Expand Button. This is noted in the 2) Using an iframe section here.

I'd like to either force the "expand gallery" button to appear or add a button that will take them here:

If you were using Juicebox-Pro, you could use the Back Button to link directly to a page.
However, as a Juicebox-Lite user, you could turn your Gallery Title into a link by using HTML formatting as documented in this FAQ:
How do I add HTML formatting to the Gallery Title or Back Button?
For your Dimensional gallery, you could enter a Gallery Title in JuiceboxBuilder-Lite's 'Customize' section such as:

<a href="http://signsvictoria.ca/dimensional/">Click to open gallery on its own page</a>

Once there I want to have another button that will give them the option of going back to the main portfolio page here:

As well as the Back Button and the Gallery Title, you can also add links to image titles and captions:
How do I add HTML formatting to image captions and titles?

I'd also like to give them the option of sharing the photos on facebook, pintrest, googe+, etc. but that's not critical at this stage.

Social Sharing is possible with Juicebox-Pro. Please see here for details.

Also, our site takes a long time to load

Your web pages are quite complex and load 4 external CSS files and 12 external JavaScript files (not counting the Juicebox files).
Depending on the size of all these files, they may take some time to load and for your page to initially be rendered in visitors' browsers.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I am able to create a new gallery using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro v1.4.2, enter a test Flickr Set ID of my own and the images display OK as expected when I click 'Load Images'.
According to Flickr's own help forum, they seem to be having a few problems at the moment (although I do not see any relating direct to Flickr Sets and the API) so the problem may be with Flickr themselves.

Please post the Set ID that you are using and I will try it for myself and post back with my results.
In the meantime, you could try using this test Set ID of my own to see if this works for you (it currently works for me): 72157629353156737.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I'm trying to make a gallery like Flat Design

You can view the configuration options used in the gallery by opening the gallery's XML file directly in a browser: http://www.juicebox.net/demos/pro/flat/config.xml
You can then copy and paste them into your own gallery's 'config.xml' file (in a plain text editor) if you like.

manually trying to set no shadow of main image

Set imageShadowBlur="0" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section).


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Try putting your <= expression in parentheses:

var NotshowThumbs = (windowWidth <= 1080);

... or enclose your entire JavaScript section in CDATA tags:

<script type="text/javascript">

        // JavaScript code goes here


Either (or both) of these solutions should prevent your browser from treating the < in your <= as the start of an opening tag.


(17 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Just to let you know, Juicebox-Pro (since v.1.40) supports multi-size images. Please see here for further details. The Screen Mode used and whether or not the gallery is being displayed on a retina screen is taken into consideration when Juicebox decides what size of image it should display in the gallery.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Juicebox galleries should display and function correctly in Chrome (both mobile Chrome for mobile devices and standard Chrome for desktop browsers).

Please explain in greater detail exactly what the problem is and post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and help further.

Perhaps you are embedding a gallery in a web page alongside other content and there is an element on your page which is overlapping (stacked on top of) your gallery's thumbnails preventing them from functioning as expected.
If this is the case, then please check your page for HTML errors with the W3C Markup Validation Service and check the CSS code on your page to see if there is anything which may be contributing to your problem.

[Original post moved from Feature Requests forum thread.]


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Yes. Set screenMode="SMALL" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section) and Juicebox will display the gallery in Small Screen Mode (with separate thumbnail and main image pages) on mobile devices and in desktop browsers.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Speaking of bug, I've noticed that every time I paste something in a box in juice box it is paste twice in a row like this: thethingIpastedthethingIpasted

There is a problem with pasting via keyboard on Mac when using Adobe AIR v14.0. Please see these links for further details:
https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?eve … id=3775354

We are currently investigating the problem but in the meantime, workarounds would be to either:
(1) Paste the text via mouse context menu.
(2) Type the text into the input field.
(3) Paste the text via keyboard and manually delete the duplicate entry.
(4) Revert to a previous version of Adobe AIR (not necessary if using #1, #2 or #3 above). Previous versions of Adobe AIR can be downloaded from this web page.

Any idea how do I get that checkbox ?

The checkbox is a feature of the browser (not Juicebox itself) and it should be displayed the first time you expand a gallery on a certain domain. Once you select the checkbox and 'Allow' fullscreen, the checkbox option will no longer be displayed the next time you expand a gallery on that domain.
In Firefox (which it looks like you are using), enter about:permissions in the address bar to open the Permissions Manager and you will be able to manage the fullscreen permissions for specific domains.