
The javascript idea is most elegant, but it is awkward to have people .click or touch the empty screen to get the gallery to load.

This is not necessary. You would attach the click handler to the button that the user would click to reveal the gallery so that it all happens automatically (without a further click required once the container is visible on screen).
Just give the button a unique id and use this as the jQuery selector to which you attach the click handler.
In your web page, change:

<a href="#page2" data-role="button">Gallery</a>

... to:

<a href="#page2" id="gallery" data-role="button">Gallery</a>

... and replace your current embedding code with the following:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    function loadGallery() {
        new juicebox({
            containerId: "juicebox-container",
            galleryWidth: "100%",
            galleryHeight: "100%",
            backgroundColor: "rgba(34,34,34,.5)"
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#gallery').click(function() {
<div id="juicebox-container">


Juicebox comes with its own bundled version of jQuery (within the 'juicebox.js' file) so basic jQuery functionality is available as soon as the 'juicebox.js' file is loaded in the page (and without the need to explicitly include a separate jQuery JavaScript file).
However, if a web page uses any jQuery code at all, I would certainly recommend including a separate jQuery JavaScript file as you suggest (just in case we remove any jQuery functionality from the 'juicebox.js' file in the future).
The original poster's web page already includes a separate jQuery JavaScript file so there should be no problem in this respect.

Yes. Please see this FAQ:
Can I upgrade from a single site license to a multi-site license at a later time?

Your Juicebox gallery has dimensions of 100% x 100% and is loaded as soon as the page is loaded.
However, when the page is loaded, the gallery's parent container is not visible on screen so the gallery's dimensions are 100% of a zero-sized container.
Try giving your gallery fixed dimensions such as:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    new juicebox({
        containerId: "juicebox-container",
        galleryWidth: "800",
        galleryHeight: "600",
        backgroundColor: "rgba(34,34,34,.5)"
<div id="juicebox-container">

Otherwise, delay the loading of your gallery until the gallery's parent container is visible on screen (and has dimensions which Juicebox can use to calculate its own size).
Put the Juicebox embedding code in a function and run the function to load the gallery when the HTML element is clicked.
For example:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    function loadGallery() {
        new juicebox({
            containerId: "juicebox-container",
            galleryWidth: "100%",
            galleryHeight: "100%",
            backgroundColor: "rgba(34,34,34,.5)"
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#page2').click(function() {
<div id="juicebox-container">

Hopefully one of these two suggestions will help.


I can't save any changes.

As I mentioned above, I am unable to replicate this problem myself in my own test WordPress installations.

As for setting defaults, I can't even save them initially. I can click on the Save button, but nothing happens.

I cannot replicate this problem either. Clicking the 'Set' button successfully saves custom default settings in my own test WordPress installations.

In order to troubleshoot these problems further, it would help greatly if I had access to your WordPress installation and web server (so that I can see the problem for myself). If you are agreeable to this, please let me know and I will email you with an address where you can send me login details. Thank you.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

As you say, your 'juicebox.js' file is, indeed, in two locations on your web server and you can view them both in a browser to confirm this:

In terms of embedding a gallery, it does not matter where the 'jbcore' folder is on your web server as long as the path to the 'juicebox.js' file within your gallery's embedding code is correct.
On your '2014_gallery_COTY.asp' page on your web server, the path to the 'juicebox.js' file is incorrect.
You currently use:

<script src="web/images/COTY/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>

... but there is no 'juicebox.js' file in that location (http://ozielgrandchapternj.org/web/imag … uicebox.js) on your web server.

It looks like you have uploaded a complete gallery to your http://ozielgrandchapternj.org/web/ directory.

If you do the following, your gallery will display OK.

(1) Remove the 'jbcore' folder from the root of your web space (it is not required as you can use the 'jbcore' folder within your 'web' directory).

(2) On your '2014_gallery_COTY.asp' page, replace:

<script src="web/images/COTY/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
baseUrl : 'web/images/COTY/',
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "100%",
galleryHeight: "100%",
backgroundColor: "rgba(18,18,18,1)"
<div id="juicebox-container">

... with:

<script src="/web/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
baseUrl: '/web/',
containerId: 'juicebox-container',
galleryWidth: '100%',
galleryHeight: '100%',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(18,18,18,1)'
<div id="juicebox-container">

(3) The paths to the main images (the imageURLs) are incorrect in your gallery's XML file. Open your http://ozielgrandchapternj.org/web/config.xml file in a plain text editor and change the paths in the imageURLs from:


... to:


Following the above steps will have the same result as if you had created a gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, named the gallery folder 'web', uploaded the complete gallery folder to your web server and embedded the gallery in a web page using the baseUrl method of embedding as documented here.

If you just replace the embedding code as in Step #2 above and upload a complete gallery folder (created by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro with no modifications to any files afterwards) named 'web' to the root directory of your web server, this would also work fine.

I hope this helps.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

is there someone that can contact me via phone support?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide telephone support. We provide support via email and the online forum.

but when I view on the web it goes back to the generic photos.

The only way that your gallery would be able to display the images from the sample gallery would be if:
(1) You uploaded the sample images to your web site.
(2) The imageURL entries in your gallery's XML file points towards the sample images.

On the web page whose link you posted above, you have two different lots of embedding code:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "100%",
galleryHeight: "100%",
backgroundColor: "#222222"

... and:

<script src="web/images/COTY/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
baseUrl : 'web/images/COTY/',
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "100%",
galleryHeight: "100%",
backgroundColor: "rgba(18,18,18,1)"
<div id="juicebox-container">

However, if you want only one gallery displayed on your page, then you should remove one of the above.

At the moment, both galleries use the XML file from the sample web gallery (pointing towards the sample images in their respective 'images' folders). Take a look at the following two files on your web server and you will see that they are identical and contain entries only to the sample images.
http://ozielgrandchapternj.org/web/imag … config.xml

If you remove the first lot of embedding code from your web page and replace the contents of your 'COTY' directory with the contents of your own gallery folder ('config.xml' file, 'jbcore' folder, 'images' folder, 'thumbs' folder), then your own gallery will display on your main web page.

According to the Nexus 7 Tech Specs on this Google page, the Nexus 7 has a screen resolution of 1280 x 800 and, as noted on the Juicebox Screen Modes Support Section:

Large Screen Mode (LSM) is displayed on screens of 1024x768 pixels or bigger.

I do not know why your device's screen resolution is being returned as 601x906 but the information above seems to explain why Large Screen Mode is being used on the Nexus 7.

When creating or editing a gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, the 'Quality' setting is used only if the images are resized.
The images are resized only if the source images are larger than the maximum bounds set in the 'Resize Images' section.

Therefore, if the source images are already within the maximum bounds and do not need to be resized, they will be copied across to the output 'images' folder without any processing and the 'Quality' setting will not have been used.

I hope this helps clarify things.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

That's great! Thank you for posting back to let me know.
As I noted, this bug should hopefully be fixed in the next version of Juicebox but, in the meantime, just continue to use this workaround.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Each web page should have a Doctype Declaration at the very top of the document.
At the top of your web page (before your Doctype Declaration) is the text:


This is probably throwing Internet Explorer into quirks mode, resulting in the problems you are describing.
Try removing this text before your Doctype Declaration and hopefully your gallery will display and function as expected.
Please see this FAQ: My gallery looks strange in Internet Explorer 9. Why?

If this does not help, then, once you have removed the text before your Doctype Declaration, you can check the code on your web page for HTML errors with the W3C Markup Validation Service and then fix any errors reported. Once the code on your web page validates correctly, your web page should be rendered with greater predictability and consistency across different browsers.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

When Juicebox is displayed on mobile devices, the gallery is displayed, by default, using Small Screen Mode (to maximize the size of the main image on small screen devices). You can toggle the overlay on and off by tapping on the screen.
For more information about Screen Modes and how Juicebox adapts to different devices and screen sizes, please see here.

If you like, you can force Juicebox to use Large Screen Mode on all devices and in all browsers by setting screenMode="LARGE" in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Use the 'Presets -> Save Preset...' option from the drop-down menu at the top.
For reference, there is a 'Presets' support section on the JuiceboxBuilder User Guide web page.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I should also have pointed out that to ensure JuiceboxBuilder-Pro generates SEO content code in the gallery's 'index.html' file, you should select the 'Add SEO Content' checkbox in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Sharing' section. (This configuration option is selected by default.)

Please see the Search Engine Optimization support section for further details.

Yes. JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (which comes with Juicebox-Pro) has individual controls for each and every Pro configuration option (except for languageList and the Embed Options which are not required for a gallery created with JuiceboxBuidler-Pro to function correctly) so there will be no need for you to add code manually within your gallery files.

thanks alot the picasa links are working,

That's great! Thank you for letting me know.

btw whiles i was replacing the 'wp-juicebox.php' file i saw a 'save-galler.php' file, could this file also hv a bug?

There should be a file named 'save-gallery.php'. If yours is named 'save-galler.php', please rename it to 'save-gallery.php'.
The 'save-gallery.php' file is used only when first creating a gallery (having clicked the 'Add Juicebox Gallery' button).
It is not used when editing a gallery so the problem is unlikely to lie within this file.

It will be very difficult for me to troubleshoot this issue unless I can see it for myself (and I have been unable to replicate it in my own test WordPress installations).
If you are happy to allow me access to your web server so that I can investigate further, please let me know.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Only Google really know how their image indexing works. The algorithm they use is probably very complex.
It may help to have descriptive filenames though (rather than filenames such as '130_3027.jpg').

Also, I do not know how the 'feedthebot' tool works (I have no access to their source code) but I have created a few test scenarios (both with and without Juicebox) and it seems to display images (in my test pages, at least) whose paths (the 'src' attributes to the 'img' tags) are expressed as absolute URLS (e.g. 'http://www.example.com/images/image.jpg') rather than relative. There should be no problem with Google being able to index images with relative URLs though (this is perfectly valid)

If you want to give your images the best chance of being indexed, make sure you give them all titles and captions (so that each <img> tag's 'title' and 'alt' attributes are filled in). It might also help to give your images descriptive filenames and if you want your images to be displayed in the 'feedthebot' tool, try changing the relative paths to absolute (though I would expect that this is not necessary for Google).

Is this possible?

Yes. You can disable thumbnails and navigation buttons and have just the main image and a Back Button.
For reference, a full list of configuration options can be found here.
We have many sample galleries which demonstrate the flexibility of Juicebox here. None of them exactly match your requirements (although the MultiSize demo comes close) but it would certainly be possible to layout a gallery as your require with the available configuration options.
We also offer a money-back guarantee as noted in this FAQ.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

There is currently a known bug whereby elements which have explicitly been assigned a CSS position are not covered by the fullscreen gallery (they should be). This bug should hopefully be fixed in a future version of Juicebox. In the meantime, please try one of the two following suggestions:

(1) Set useFullscreenExpand="TRUE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Lite' section).
... or:
(2) Set expandInNewPage="TRUE" in (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section). When the gallery is expanded, it will be displayed on a page of its own rather than on top of the embedding page.

Hopefully one (or both) of these suggestions will be a suitable solution to your problem until the bug is fixed.

Thank you for providing the URL to your test gallery.
I have found a bug in WP-Juicebox relating to Picasa/NextGEN. Please replace the 'wp-juicebox.php' file in your 'wp-content/plugins/wp-juicebox/' directory with the 'wp-juicebox.php' file from this zip file [File removed.]. (Just extract the zip file to your 'wp-juicebox' directory, overwriting the existing 'wp-juicebox.php' file.) Once the new file has been uploaded, there is no need to do anything else other than reload your web page to display your test gallery.
It should certainly fix the Picasa/NextGEN issue. Please let me know if it also solves the 'unable to edit existing galleries' issue.
(I do not think it will. The problems seem unrelated.)

In order to troubleshoot the editing problem further, it would help greatly if I had access to your WordPress installation and web server (as I am unable to replicate the problem myself). If you are agreeable to this, please let me know and I will email you with an address where you can send me login details. Thank you.


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I create my galleries with the Lightroom plugin.

If you are creating your galleries with Lightroom and want to give your galleries a transparent background, just drag the Background Image Opacity slider down to 0% in the 'Web -> Juicebox -> Color Palette' control panel.
This will save you modifying any files (or creating a new 'index.html' file in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and then uploading this file to the gallery folders on your web server).

i changed the permissions on the  juicebox folder to 777

Try using permissions of 755 for the 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' directory (some web servers do not like the use of 777).

heres my PHP Version : 5.3.24

WP-Juicebox requires PHP v5.2.0 or later so v5.3.24 should be fine.

Also as a side note im not able to make a gallery linked to picasa

How far into the process are you able to get? Are you able to select 'Picasa Web Album' as the 'Image Source'?
If so, enter 'picasateam' for the Picasa User Id and 'Vegas Weekend' for the Picasa Album Id/Name to display the sample Picasa Web Album.
If you are able to get this far, what do you see when you try to view the gallery?
Please try this and then post the URL to the gallery so that I can take a look.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

All the image paths and image titles and captions have to be listed in a separate XML file.
There is no way to pass this information to Juicebox without using a separate XML file.

The XML file can either be a static file (a .xml file created in advance) or a file generated dynamically by a server-side scripting language (such as PHP) so that the file is fully-formed when it is fed to Juicebox.

An example of this can be found in the answer to Query #3 in this forum post.

Please also see this FAQ:
Can Juicebox handle a custom data source, for example RSS or Instagram?

My menu page is comprised of 3 tables of different heights and cells, but the same width.

It sounds like your web page would benefit from using the template used for the View Resizable Gallery with Top Menu Example in the Embedding Multiple Galleries support section.
The example uses a header and a footer (both of fixed height) and a Juicebox gallery takes up the remainder of the web page, no matter what the size of the user's browser window is.
You could use this template for your main web page and just swap the header and footer content and then replace the sample gallery with your own thumbnail content. (You can view the source of the web page in a browser and copy/modify it to suit your own needs.)

In the Juicebox Gallery, the main Image gets smaller and larger depending on how large or small you make the browser window.
What command code makes this possible?

If you need to know how to resize a div respecting its aspect ratio when a browser window is resized, then try a web search with terms such as "resize div respect aspect ratio" and check out the StackOverflow links that appear at the top of the results.

Is there a way to limit KB's for photos when exporting a Gallery besides adjusting the JPG Quality?

When creating a Juicebox gallery with the Lightroom plugin, you can set the Resolution and quality for the resulting images in the 'Web -> Output Settings' control panel. It is not possible to set a target filesize but with a little trial and error, you should be able to find suitable settings.


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You would change the background color in the embedding code in the HTML web page which contains your gallery (the page you view in your browser to see your gallery), not the gallery's XML file.
If you create a gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, then, by default, the gallery's HTML page will be called 'index.html'.
However, if you have embedded your gallery in another web page, then it is this web page that you will need to edit.


(9 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I am glad that your problem has been resolved. Thank you for posting back to let me know.
(I think it may depend on the <meta> 'viewport' tag being used as to whether setting expandInNewPage to either TRUE or FALSE turns out to be the fix.)
In any case, the developers are aware of this problem and it should be fixed in a future version of Juicebox.
Until then, it would be safer to keep using expandInNewPage="FALSE" (in your case).