Topic: indexing personnal google search bar / in google

Hi ,

I created a personnal google search bar for my website ; I thought that if I made a keyword research on it,  it will find all my photos whose have this keyword in their description or title name ;
but it only result by the main gallery page wich contain the photo not the direct photo page ( like when we share some photos with twitter where the adress is the exact one)

Is there a solution to do this  and in the same time to index all the page in google not only the main one ?

Will enableDirectLinks option or  fix it ?

thanks or your time !

( sorry for my english :-/ )

Re: indexing personnal google search bar / in google

The # anchor links that Juicebox uses are dynamic and do not correspond to actual # sections within the web page.
For example this URL would link directly to the 4th image in the gallery but there is no actual '#4' entry on the web page. (Juicebox's 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file reads the URL, figures out what the #4 means and displays the image dynamically.)
The way this works is the same whether sharing is enabled or enableDirectLinks="TRUE".
For this reason, I think it is unlikely that Google would be able to index and list individual images in a gallery, each with its own unique URL.
I think the best that you could do would be to ensure that you include SEO content in your web page and have your images indexed by Google but all pointing to the gallery page.

Re: indexing personnal google search bar / in google

Thanks for the answer Steven
