When I did the last upgrade I was too lazy to go through classic/theme.css and make the few changes I needed to caption font size, so I used the old version that I had customized.

Now I have removed my customized version of theme.css and instead included the changes to the few styles in the header of the page showing the photo galleries. A better solution.

Thanks for pointing this out. I won't use the javascript to override the back button and will probably just keep with the Expand/Close button.

Two questions.

1. The back button icon does not display. Instead you see something and the link is there, but not the icon.

2. Can I display the back button only on the expanded gallery? I have the gallery embedded on a page and the back button does not make sense there, but it is needed on the expanded gallery.


Thank you Steven, that did it. The gallery is responsive within that column of my website and looks good on the iPad!!

My conclusion, for today, is to use a Splash Page linking to the full browser photo gallery. The Splash image is responsive. The full browser photo gallery looks good on desktop and iPad.
Example of Splash Page: http://www.sloweurope.com/test-pk/

But, I would like to use an embedded gallery, like I did on the fixed width version of the website. If anyone has been successful doing this, embedding into a section of the website, please let me know how you did it.
Example of how it works embedded into a fixed width page: http://www.sloweurope.com/photo/17/aveb … ne-circle/

I added the code and sized it so it fits well when the page is full size. When the page size is reduced, it is responsive and there is no space before and after the image, but the gallery (the stage) gets much smaller than the rest of the column. When it gets to one column the gallery is not the width of the column.


I missed the last part of your post and will try that new code now.

If I do (1) the gallery looks fine full size but as you make the page smaller the space appears above and below the image.

If I do (2) and use FILL it works, but as you said, the images are cropped.

What do people do who want to embed a gallery on a responsive page? Is the best option to use a splash page and force users to view the gallery fullsize?

I have used Juicebox on a fixed width webpage, setting the size of the gallery on a DIV that wraps the juicebox-container, and that worked well.

Now I am changing to a responsive page design and testing how the juicebox gallery looks. It is responsive, but there is always space above and below the image. I have read other threads and tried what they suggested, but I cannot get rid of this space.

My images are 1024 x 768. I display buttons on top, thumbnails below and caption overlay-image. imageScaleMode is left to the default.

This is my test page: http://www.sloweurope.com/test-pk/

How can I get rid of that space?