This demos shows embedding a Juicebox gallery into a web page by using an iframe embed. Please note that this method will limit the functionality of the gallery. When embedding a gallery in an iframe, the 'Expand Gallery' button is disabled. We reccomend using a baseURL embed instead.
800 x 600 iFrame gallery below.
Curabitur imperdiet lacus eget ipsum lobortis et placerat velit auctor. Proin a ligula a tellus ullamcorper gravida congue et augue. Proin consequat, augue vitae egestas dapibus, arcu turpis malesuada ante, in pulvinar sapien mi a tortor. Nullam porta tortor id sapien accumsan posuere. Pellentesque laoreet sem vitae est facilisis ullamcorper. Praesent faucibus fermentum nunc, at fermentum neque congue ut. Aenean vel turpis quam, eu volutpat ipsum.